Chapter 4 Angry Lord

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Kyra's pov

It was clear from the regular harsh tugs on the leash he was still pissed at me while he walked back to the car.
I felt my cheek, it was swollen.
There was a light metallic taste in my mouth, I swiped the back of my hand past my mouth... blood... though it wasn't a lot.
Probably a tooth that broke the skin.

I looked up, Blondy walked in front of us, he opened the door to the limo.
The lord got in after giving the leash to Blondy, not giving me another look.
Blondy grabbed my face and stared at the blood in the corner of my mouth for a brief moment.

"Red is not your color kitten."

He took another piece of cloth out of one of his pockets and wiped away the blood.

Just how many of those did this guy carry around?
Freaking magician...

"I'll give you a tip, because I doubt you'll figure it out in time and since you don't understand his language he won't bother to tell you. Do as you're told when we tell you to. The rest you will figure out over time if you live that long."

He said that with a smirk while pushing me in the car.

"I do hope you live that long, little kitten."

He gave me a wink as he closed the door with a loud bang, making me shriveled up, knowing that now my life was no longer my own.
I stared out of the window for a while, my eyes were getting swollen and red from crying again...
No, I'm not going down without a fight, I gotta find a way to escape.

After driving a little while they stopped at a gas station to fill up the tanks.
Blondy opened up the door and pulled me out of the car again.

"Bathroom break little girl."

He said while he pulled me along.
Some of the men were already inside the shop, and by the time we walked in everyone in the shop was trying very hard to look the other way.
I felt really sorry for myself as I walked behind him.
Nobody here was going to help me either.
Seems to me the whole world has turned its back on me... why?

He walked with me inside the ladies room.
Did this man have no common sense at all?
He opened one of the doors and pointed inside.

"Go on, do your thing."

I looked at him in disbelief.

"I can't go if you're gonna watch, you perv."

"Pf-ff, don't flatter yourself. You can close the door. I'm not interested in stuff like that."

He mocked while turning his back towards me.
I closed the door and sat down on the toilet.

"Don't take too long or I will pull you out from under the door."

He threatened.
Looking at the leash that was going under the door and the gap that was between the floor and the door, I knew he could do just that.
Let's not find out if he's going to follow up on that, I quickly did my thing and got up again.


I said while getting out of the booth.

I walked up to the washroom to wash my hands.
The cold water felt nice on my left hand so I kept it under a bit to ease the pain.
He left me alone until I tried to drink some of the water.

"Who gave you permission for that?"

He pulled me back with the leash.

"Come on, we're going."

Control freak... do I really need to ask for some water?
He walked me back to the store again, on his way to the register he grabbed a bottle of water and a sandwich.
The cashier didn't dare to look at us when he paid for them and the gas.
He walked up to a table and sat down.

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