Chapter 50 Hypocrite

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Kyra's pov

"Rise and shine little kitten. It's time to talk to the lord."

Mihai entered my room, I yawned while stretching myself out.
I felt a lot better, my stomach pains were not gone completely yet, but it felt a whole lot better.
Anne got up from the chair, she had been toying with the IPad while I slept for a few hours.

"Take your pet with you."

I got up from the bed and glanced at Anne.

"Does she have to come? I know Vasile is angry and I don't like to freak her out. This is not her fault."

"He insists, there is nothing you can do about it."

I gestured for Anne to follow me and we walked after Mihai towards what felt like judgment day.
If he was angry yesterday for me talking back at him, then he must be furious about what I did to defy him for the past couple of hours.
I let out a deep breath, as if being tortured for hours with stomach pains wasn't enough.
I know he's going to tell me off, why he wants Anne to be there too is a mystery to me. But it can't be good.

When we arrived at his study, I really didn't want to enter but I also knew I had no choice.
There was still the matter of me having to feed off fresh blood for three days that needed resolving, especially because it was almost time for my next drink.
If he refuses to help me with that then I don't know how long I can keep Anne alive.
I can't starve myself thanks to those damn instincts taking over and I can't stomach to feed of myself again.
That's one kind of torture I cannot endure twice.

Mihai knocked and opened the door.
Anne and myself reluctantly entered, both of us keeping our eyes on the ground.

"Care to explain why you took it this far?"

I could feel his glare burn a hole in my head.
His tone sparked a little fire of retaliation in me.

"Anne is my pet. I told you I don't want to feed from her. Why do you keep pushing this?"

"I'm not talking about that! Your blood must have tasted foul at some point, why keep drinking it until you collapse? What the hell were you thinking?!"

He was angry, I could see it in his eyes and heard it in the way he talked.
But he didn't seem to be particularly angry at me or Anne, more about the situation.

"Because I knew I had no choice, it's not like you were going to change your mind. I rather feed of myself than risk killing Anne, I don't want to be responsible for killing somebody."

"Aren't you a little bit hypocritical?"

He got up and grabbed me harshly by the back of my neck as he walked to the door.

"You! Follow!"

He bit at Anne in English, as he marched past her.

He took us both to the basement where he finally let go.
He continued in English.

"In this basement countless humans lost their lives to feed us, and countless more will. You are a vampire now, you are already responsible for the death of humans, just like they are for the deaths of cows, pigs or whatever they fancy to eat."

He looked down on me.

"You need to stop thinking like a human and start thinking like a vampire. You are on top of the food chain, remember that."

Bad memory's started to resurface as I looked around in the hallway where we where standing.
Viewing the pale faces behind the bars, the scared looks on their faces.
I looked at Anne who was starting to shake like a leaf, while taking in the surroundings.
Why is he doing this?
I get why he brought me here, but why Anne?

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