Chapter 5 Airplane

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Mihai's pov

Not good, I got too caught up in my little game and now Vasile is angry with me.
Oh well, he'll turn around.
It's fun to get her all confused by being nice and a jerk at the same time.
All I have to do is make sure he doesn't kill her so I can keep playing.
It's just a shame he made her his pet.
If she was my pet there would be so many more fun options.
I don't know why but something is familiar about her.

I looked up when I heard the sounds of airplanes.
Finally we're here.
Good, just a few more hours and we are home.
That will improve the lord temper.

I got out of the car to settle things with the customs officials.
I showed them the passports and some money to grease the wheels.
Humans do everything if you pay them enough.
Their loyalty seems to lay with cash.

Now that that's done we can go home.
The cars drove up in the plane and I followed.
The lord doesn't like to wait, so I'll make sure everything runs smoothly.

I got the girl out of the car, looks like she gave up resistance for now.
But I know her type, she will try again...

Why hello there... a smile formed on my face while I looked at the three good looking women who would be serving us during the flight.
We got some cute flight attendants today.
That girl won't be fun for a few hours, Vasile scared the living daylights out of her so I'll distract myself with..... Sophie, if I got her name tag right.


Quickly I directed the girl to a chair so I could give Sophie my undivided attention.


Kyra's pov

Sometime later I could hear airplanes flying around, not long after that the car stopped driving.
The pain in my stomach had become less and I was able to sit up again.

I could see the customs officials talk with Blondy, they seemed to be checking the passports.
But none of them cared to check who or what was in the cars.
They were standing too far away from the car, and with all the noises here, there was no point trying to get their attention by banging on the windows.
And because I already pissed off that lord guy, who was also in this car, I really didn't want to try anything that was going to end up in failure anyway and getting in more trouble for it.
Looking at the airplanes around the car I sighed.
This was really happening and there was nothing I could do about it.
Maybe I could call for help if I got out of the car?...

The engine of the car started again.
Wait?... What?
We are not getting out of the car?
I watched in awe and horror as we drove up to a big airplane with the cargo hold open.
It was big enough to hold multiple cars in the back.
The three cars drove inside the airplane, in the rear window I could see the cargo hold close when we got in.

Blondy opened the door and just pulled me out without saying anything.
I didn't look his way and just followed him to the front of the plane.
So much for getting help when we got out of the car...
I got a little sad as I looked around, all the staff on hand inside the plane looked like they worked for them.
Luck just isn't on my side today.

It was a luxurious private plane from what I could see so far.
In the front were really nice white leather seats.
They were standing in half a circle around a table, keeping a pathway in the middle clear for the staff to walk around tending to the needs of the passengers.
In other circumstances I would have been excited about being in a plane like this, but now it just felt uneasy and scary.


He pointed at one of the leather chairs near the window.
I sat down without saying a thing.
The chair was a little too big for me, it felt like I was drowning in it.
Too bad I couldn't really disappear in this chair, that would have solved everything.

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