Chapter 48 Grounded

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Kyra's pov

Back in my room I slammed the door shut and gave it a hard kick for good measure.
Anne was petrified and cowered in a corner of the room making herself as small as possible as if trying to disappear.
I looked at her and sighed.

"Sorry about that."

She didn't respond so I walked up to her, removing the collar and throwing it in a corner of the room. Then I just sat down next to her leaning my back against the wall.

"I know it's a lot to take in..."

From the corner of my eye I could see her lift her head a little.
Still trembling, she finally said something.

"W-where d-did I? W-what are y..?"

"Vampires... everyone you have seen so far.... including myself."

"Are... are you go-going to k-kill me?"

I stared at the ceiling.

"I'll try not to... it will be hard though. The lord is not going to give you your own room, or even your own bed for that matter. So you're stuck with me 24/7....."

She looked up at me, seemingly a bit relieved.

"You said you weren't going to feed from me, so I have nothing to worry about, right?"

I laughed a bit uneasy.

"I believe my exact words were, I didn't want to... if I can control it is another matter."

"What do you mean?"

"Not so long ago, I was still human and in a similar situation as you are now. I was the lord's pet..."

I watched Anne's eyes widen in surprise.

"Don't get your hopes up, I'm told it is rare for a human to turn into a vampire. More often than not it just fails and the human dies. And it is not like I wanted to become one in the first place. I was just desperately trying to escape the lord. He forced this all on me and it sucks. My body is still adjusting to this.... I can get insanely thirsty at times, so thirsty I can't control it..."

I stared at the ground, slowly realizing I might have created a problem with getting grounded. Knowing how the lord thinks, he might start to think it's a good idea to starve me so I will feed from Anne. Forcing me to take the next step into becoming a full fetched vampire.

"Crap, I think I might have gotten us both in trouble."

"You mean with what happened at the dinner table? I couldn't follow what it was about but you both looked angry."

"Yes, I got angry at him for suggesting I should use you as a walking food source and he ended up grounding me..."

I tilted my head, someone is coming. Listening to the sounds of footsteps it is the lord. Great, I better watch my mouth before he forces me to do things I don't want too.

I remained seated on the floor, with Anne trying to hide behind me when he entered.
He stared at the collar lying on the floor, then his gaze fell on us.

"Why is that thing not wearing a collar? Are you tired of it already?"

I got up, pulling Anne up with me. I have to tread carefully. Anne can't understand the conversation, if she gets scared and somehow pisses off the lord we're in trouble. He is already angry because of me.

"I'm not tired of Anne, that collar is just... it.. it makes me feel uneasy alright?"

"Kyra, there are rules you have to follow. No matter if you are my blood or not. Pets wear a collar, all the time."

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