Chapter 7 The Doctor

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Kyra's pov

While sitting in the treatment chair, I was looking around the room.
The doctor was called Dr. Emily Goodwill.
And like her name she had a cheery personality.
She was also the first of everyone I've met so far to introduce herself.
Despite the fact she was probably gonna hurt me while fixing my hand, I was able to relax a little thanks to the vibe in the room.

"Okay, first things first. A shot to kill the pain, because that hand must hurt like hell. Next a shot to get the swelling and inflammation down. And while that is doing its job we're gonna take a photo to see what's what."

Before I could respond the first shot was already in my vein and I felt drowsy almost instantly.

"Wow... I feel like I'm flying."

She laughed.

"That will wear off in about 30 minutes and by that time I'm done."

I nodded in agreement.

"Okay, I like you. You're the first nice person I've seen all day."

She chuckled.

"That feeling will pass when I'm setting your hand. Come on the x-ray is this way."

I got up and followed her to the next room, I felt like a drunk and was definitely walking like one.
The photo revealed nothing surprising, my hand was broken.
Good thing was the way it was broken, uncomplicated.
A cast, some rest and it should heal up fine.
She was right, the moment she started to manipulate my hand in the right position for the cast, I started complaining.

"You're hurting me! I don't think I like you anymore..."

"You're breaking my heart."

Doctor Emily pouted with a smile but continued her job.

The cast was on and the drugs started to wear off, the maid guided me out of the room and to the dining room.

The dining-room was large, bigger than the ground floor of my old house.
It had a big wooden table in the middle that could have 30 people sitting there easily.
There were chandeliers on the ceiling and the walls were decorated with frescoes.

I didn't really care for it.
The drugs wasn't working anymore, so the buzz and good feelings were gone.
That and the lord was in the room, which was making me nervous.
At least with the cast my hand didn't hurt that much anymore.
The maid brought me up to a chair somewhere in the middle of the table.
The lord was sitting at the head, leaving a good five seats between us, the more the better was all I could think.

He was reading a newspaper, I couldn't see what he was eating but it sure smelled good.
I was surprised at the contents of his glass, red wine at breakfast?
I didn't spend any more time thinking about it because my own breakfast arrived.
Wow that looked nice, it had been a few hours since I last ate, so I was a bit hungry.
It was a whole plate of pancakes with syrup.
A lot better than the quick breakfast I was used to at home.
Most of the time it would be an apple and some bread on the go.
Not wasting any time I dug in.

Woow!... This... this is delicious, they sure have a great cook.
I glanced at the lord... would they let me in the kitchen to learn from that cook?
Hmmm, forget it.
I gritted my teeth for a second in anger.
After what he did to me and my family I will never ask that man for a favor, ever.

After some time Blondy entered the room with a paper.
He whispered something to the lord and gave the paper to him.
The lord didn't look pleased, he read the paper and then tore it to pieces while growling something I didn't understand.
It scared the hell out of me, so in a split second I jumped out of my seat and held it in front of me as a shield.
Three sets of surprised eyes landed on me.
Blondy immediately started to laugh.

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