Chapter 36 Trapped

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Vasile's pov

The ball had ended, finally the last guests are gone.
Time to relax, Kyra had behaved perfectly today.
Tomorrow I should get her something nice as a reward.
Maybe I'll take her out to the beach, I have a beach house with a private beach so keeping eye on her is no problem there. I wonder if she can swim... Is there even a swimsuit in her closet? I doubt it, there never has been a reason for one to be there before. Guess I have to get Sarah to buy her one because I don't think she'll appreciate it if I take her shopping for that. She accepts a lot so far but that would be pushing it and she is finally talking to me again. I was on my way to my bedroom when I heard a commotion in the hall where Kyra's room was. Someone was yelling and screaming. My blood ran cold because I knew that voice, you have got to be kidding me... A staff member coming from the opposite direction looked up the stairs confused and wanted to go up.


I called after him and quickly ran up to him.
At the same time Mihai came speeding into the hall.

"My lord! Your phone! Tracker alarm, Kyra!"

I grabbed Mihai by his throat and crashed him hard against wall, scaring the crap out of the servant who was standing next to me.

"Why is Nadja in Kyra's room? Did you not lock her door?"

I growled while squeezing his neck. Even if it's Mihai, I will not forgive a mistake like that.
Every other person would have been shitting himself by now but not Mihai.
He looked back at me calmly.

"You can check the lock, my lord. I never forget to lock it. How she got in I don't know, but that's not the issue right now. Kyra is already about 10 miles away."

"What?! How? You brought her to her room about three hours ago? Humans can't run that fast or at least she can't. Did someone take her again?!"

"I don't know but we need to track her down."

I released Mihai and turned to the servant trembling next to me. No, I don't think someone took her. They wouldn't leave Nadja in Kyra's room if that were the case. No, she's running away on her own..

"Nobody enters or leaves that room understood? Let that bitch rot in there for all I care. She's responsible for my pet escaping."

Furiously I marched down the hall.

"Mihai come with me, we're getting our little mouse back. And when I do she'll be unable to walk for weeks."

I growled while I went to my room to change into something else for our little hunt.


Kyra's pov

I woke up half hanging over a tree on a little sandy beach in the corner of the river, judging by the place of the sun in the sky a couple of hours had passed.
As I looked around I started to laugh despite the pain I felt, there wasn't a single soul in sight.
I could feel the bruises all over my body and I started to couch up some water that I had swallowed.
Sitting down on the tree I felt great... I think I did it... I did it, I'm out.

After a little rest, I started walking in a random direction hoping it would lead me to civilization.
It must be almost noon by now, he hasn't found me yet, let's take that as good sign.

It was cold because my clothes were wet.
The only thing I could do was try to walk in the sun as much as possible to dry them.
Lucky for me it looked like the sun was here to stay and slowly my clothes started to dry up.

I didn't want to stop walking, scared I would suddenly hear his voice calling me out.
Ten lashes... last time I got ten lashes, just for getting out of my room.
And now I was out, and god knows how far away from the castle without his permission...
A shiver went through my body thinking about it.
He is going to tear me limb by limb if he finds me.

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