Chapter 37 Setting a Trap

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Kyra's pov

The next morning they got up early and had their breakfast.
One of them laughed as he threw some pieces of bread near my bench, watching if I would take them.

Even though I was getting hungry because I didn't eat yesterday, I wasn't going to humor him.

When they were done they started to collect all kinds of stuff. Traps, snares and a lot of fire power.
Guess they want to get this over with as soon as possible.

I was pulled out of the bench, tied up and gagged.
They threw me in the back of a pick up truck, two of them joined me in the back and the other one drove them to a spot.

There they tied me to a big post with my hands on my back.
They started to prepare all kinds of traps around me. I watched as one them prepared the bear traps, trying to hide them with leaves an sticks without setting it off.

Did they really think a vampire would fall for that?
But as time went on I could see their plan, seems to me I am the bait.
They had set up a lot of traps in this open field.
After that they hid themselves somewhere in the tree line.
They want master to be out in the open so they have a clear shot and all they need him to do is make one wrong move during the fight so he's locked in one place.
Crap, this is not going to end well for me no matter what.
If they start shooting in all directions I'm in the firing range as well.
And if they fail to kill master...

Crap, crap... why?
I was so close to finally be free again.

For a while I tried to free my hands from the rope but it turned out to be impossible, so eventually I gave up and just waited for whatever was going to happen.


Vasile's pov

We had been watching for quite some time now to assess the situation.
We could smell that the hunters were close.
Kyra was sitting on the ground stuck to a pole.
There were a lot of traps on the ground around her, and it would be stupid to just carelessly walk up to her.
Anyone would have a clear shot at you in that case.

"What's the plan my lord?"

Mihai asked a bit impatiently, after what he saw at the house he was itching to kill something.

"I'll draw them out to see where they hide, you stay out off sight and flush them out. Kill them all."

I could see Mihai's devilish smirk just before he went on his way, he loves these kind of hunts and so do I. Time to scare the fear of god back into my naughty little pet. She should have come to me after Nadja came in her room not try to run away. Maybe I should tell her why that was pointless to begin with.

I walked into the field avoiding the traps like they were not even there to begin with, looking around and keeping my ears open to pinpoint where my prey would be.
Where did those bastards hide?
To let the hunters know I was there and to make sure they understood me, I spoke in English.

"Well, well, well, what do have we here? Did you really think you could escape just like that?"


Kyra's pov

A few hours passed until I heard a familiar voice that send shivers up my spine.
I immediately turned to the direction where his voice came from.
I could see him emerge from the tree line.

O god, he's finally here... I'm dead.

"Well, well, well, what do have we here? Did you really think you could escape just like that?"

His voice sounded calm, but his eyes were spewing fire.
He was outraged, there was just one thing I didn't understand.
He was speaking English, he never spoke English to me, why?
I tried again to break free, but it was pointless.

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