Chapter 49 Sick

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Kyra's pov

God it tastes foul...
It was even getting hard to swallow.
Urg... my stomach... it feels like it's being ripped hurts... so bad... I think I'm going to die.
Looking at my watch again I got a little dishearten.
Still 12 more hours, 12 more...
I was in the bathroom again, a few hours ago I had started to drink my own blood.
It wasn't as bad at first and it even seemed to help with the thirst, so it had given me a little confidence boost.
I could thwart the lords plans with this.

But as time passed I was starting to feel nauseous, and my blood was starting to taste horrible.
And now my head felt like it was going to explode, and my stomach...
Arg... my stomach... it's like I'm in a world of pain.
I was curling up in a tight little ball trying desperately to find some comfort somewhere.

I was sweating all over.
This is not going to work, tears from pain and defeat started to prick at my eyes, a sudden wave of nausea compelled me to at least get up to my knees and I started to throw up.

The light switched on, and Anne came running around the corner.

"Kyra! Are you okay?!"

Her look went from worried to straight out panic when she saw me collapsed on my side and the black substance on the floor I had been expelling from my stomach.

"I... I don't.... feel... so... good."

I managed to get out before starting to gag again.
Anne quickly helped me on my knees, keeping my hair out of my face as I threw up again.
More tar like black stuff came out.

Anne grabbed a towel to lay my head on as she helped me down on my side.

"I'll get help. Just wait."

I wanted to grab her arm but missed, she doesn't understand... they're not going to help.
And if they do, she will die.
I didn't have to energy to call her back, it was to late anyway, she was already calling for help at the door.

"Someone help!"

No response yet, they must think she is calling for herself.

"Please! It's Kyra! She's sick!"

I heard a frightened yelp and sounds of someone falling into something.

"What did you do?!"

I opened my eyes, it was Mihai the panic in his eyes was clear, he quickly scooped me of the floor and carried me to my bed.
From the corner of my eye I could see Anne getting up from the floor, apparently Mihai had knocked her over as he had speed ed in the room. He sat down and offered his wrist, I didn't hesitate and bite down.
The moment the sweet taste from his blood hit my tongue it was all I could think off.


Anne's pov

Some weird noises woke me up.
What was that?
Is that Kyra?
I turned on the lights and ran to the bathroom where it came from.

"Kyra! Are you okay?!"

There I saw Kyra on the floor with some gross black tar like puddle next to her that smelled horrible.
No no no no, this can't be happening!
Is she sick? She can't die! It will ruin everything!

"I... I don't.... feel... so... good."

She kinda mumbled the words before she started to make more gagging noises, indicating she had to throw up again.
Omg if something happens to her...
That lord is so scary, I'm sure he will blame me for this.
My only chance to get out alive is Kyra, she needs to think I'm her friend.
I helped her up a bit and held her hair out of her face as she threw up again.
We didn't even made it to the toilet.
It was hard not to throw up myself from the smell of it.
What is that gross stuff?
It can't be food.

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