Chapter 18 Beloved Pet

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Kyra's pov

For a week I could not focus on anything, life just passed by in a blur.
I ate and drank when it was offered to me.
I slept and responded absentmindedly when asked anything.
If lord Radu was present I got very quiet, flinching even more than normal if he touched me.
So far I wasn't picked up for more lessons, not that I would have been able to follow them at this moment.
My mind was preoccupied.

Over and over I was seeing the image of that maid's heart being ripped out.
I could still hear the cracking of her bones and the sounds she made as it happened.
She may have been trying to kill me for some reason, but she didn't deserve to die like that.
That was just too cruel.

Sarah was worried about me, that much I could tell.
I just didn't have it in me to care.
Something inside me had broken when the lord killed that maid.
In that moment I realized just how strong and fast vampires were.
Meaning that my chances of ever getting out of here were even slimmer than I had thought.
And if he could kill her so easily, then what about me?
I would never stand a chance.

These past days Sarah had tried different things to snap me out of it.
She had tried talking, giving me all kinds of foods she knew I would like.
She even took me outside to the places in the gardens I loved.
But nothing got a real reaction out of me, I just felt numb.


Mihai's pov

"My lord, what's wrong? You seem down the last few days."

Vasile was working in his office but I could see he had trouble focusing.
I sat down on the corner of his desk leaning a bit towards him.
He sighed deeply and placed his pen back on his desk.

"I think I broke Kyra....."

I stared at him, not expecting that response.
So that's what's been on his mind.

"I don't think she's broken. She just needs some time."

"I did give her a few days... but it doesn't seem to work. She just freezes up whenever I'm close. Even Sarah says she acts differently."

I stared at the wall thinking about what to do.
Both Sarah and Vasile are born vampires, they don't understand how humans think.
Well, Sarah can empathize a bit at least, but that's mostly thanks to her nursing character.
Vasile has no empathy skills for humans at all.

I know what Kyra saw must have been traumatic, with Vasile pulling out that wench's heart.
And although it was much deserved, from a human point of view it's barbaric.

"I'll see if I can snap her out of it."

I slid off his desk again and wanted to walk to the door but was stopped by his response.
It came out quite sad and soft, it wasn't like him to talk that way.
Almost vulnerable, it triggered something in my brain, an urge to tease him a bit.

"If you would, yes... thank you."

I got behind his chair.
Gently I started to massage his shoulders a bit, I could feel him relaxing into the motion of it.
The tension in him slowly fading.
A cheeky smirk formed on my face and I leaned in a little, just enough for my mouth to be next to his ear.
I spoke softly and with a bit of a sultry voice.

"Anything to please you, my lord."

After that remark, I quickly made my way to the door.
I glanced back with a smirk, catching his death glare before I closed the door behind me.
I'll probably pay for that later today, the thought of it made me chuckle a bit.


Vasile's pov

Cheeky little bastard, I chuckled when Mihai had left the room.
Whispering in my ear with that sly voice of his.
But thanks to that I did snap out of this depressing mood.
I looked at the stack of forms I still needed to review.
Sighs... I swear sometimes I think these things multiply on their own.

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