Chapter 28 New Years Eve Part 2

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Kyra's pov

Once we were inside, lord Radu walked directly to the VIP lounge, he chose a spot that had full view over the dancing floor.
Just walking up there made the people that sat there move elsewhere, they knew who he was.
He had brought six bodyguards.
One had stayed with Alfred.
Four had taken position at every corner of the dance floor, and one stayed with him.
He sat down, arms wide over the backrest, legs crossing each other.

"Let's have a drink first. Valentine, have them bring something up, surprise me."

He looked around, scanning the crowd.

"Sit down pet."

I sat down next to him, he let his arm hang loosely over my shoulder.
Valentine came back and sat down as well.
He snickered a bit.

"They're all nervous because you're in the house."

"Good, they should be."

Someone came up to bring our drinks and an assortment of snacks.

"There will be fireworks at midnight, we'll go to the rooftop in a bit to watch it. After that, you can go dancing with Valentine for as long as you like."

I nodded as I sipped on my cocktail.
I wasn't sure what was in it, but it tasted good.
Valentine was pointing out the girls on the dance floor he liked and giving them scores.
Lord Radu only listened half the time to what he was saying, his fingers were playing with a string of my hair.

One of the waitresses walked up.

"My lord, the preparations on the roof are ready for you."


He looked at his watch.

"Lead the way, miss. We don't want to miss the fireworks."

The firework show would be held in the park directly behind the building.
Meaning we got the best seats in the house from here, we could see the people down at the field doing their last minute safety checks.
They had made a very cozy spot on the rooftop to enjoy it all.
There was a sofa, blankets, a patio heater, and they had light strings giving the place a festive vibe.
They had even brought fresh drinks and more snacks.
As we sat down, Valentine gave me one of the blankets.

"You must be cold in that dress."

"Thank you."

I warped myself in the blanket, the lord pulled me closer to him.
For once, I didn't mind, he was closest to the heater, and it was a bit cold up here.
Valentine poured the champagne glasses.

"Is it almost time?"

He asked as he gave us ours.
Lord Radu checked his watch.

"Two minutes."

We kept watching the people down in the park.
Some more people had joined us at the roof terrace, staying clear of our "reserved" area.

People started to count down.

"10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1... HAPPY NEW YEAR!"

The sound of the fireworks was deafening, but looked amazing from up here.
The show lasted 30 minutes and I really enjoyed it.
Thanks to the warm blanket and the heater, I was really comfortable.
Even forgetting I was sitting next to the lord, snuggling up to him as I watched the fireworks in awe.


Vasile's pov

It's convenient to own the place.
I had the staff set up a nice corner so we had the best seats for the firework show tonight.
All it took was a phone call this morning.
The whole staff was on edge that I "the big boss" was in the house.
The waitresses kept glancing at our direction to see if we needed something.

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