Chapter 45 Unwilling

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Kyra's pov.

I was sitting at the diner table, a big glass of blood in front of me.
A bit jealous I stared at the plate on the other side of the table.
There was normal food on it, nothing special just a simple spring inspired salad.
The owner of the plate was Nadja, I had found out that ever since his "judgement" he had allowed her at the dinner table for meals.

He wasn't paying attention to either one of us, as usual around lunchtime he was working on some papers while eating.

Nadja was staring back at me.

"Why is there a glass of blood in front of you?"

I didn't answer her question and just flashed my fangs at her, satisfied with the shock on her face I slowly started to drink the blood.

"Vasile, sweetie! Is that why you don't want me? You're not going to marry her now are you?!"

I spat out the blood I had in my mouth and looked at the lord in shock.
That thought hadn't crossed my mind at all, he wouldn't, would he?

Vasile glared at both of us a bit annoyed.

"Kyra don't make a mess with your food... And no Nadja, I'm not going to marry Kyra. She is still a kid, what do you take me for?"

He let out an deep sigh and continued his work, ignoring us again.
Nadja glared at me.

"When did you turn?"

"Shorty after you created my shot at escaping."

"So when my father was summoned?..."

"Yes, I was already a ....vampire at that time."

I stared at the blood inside my glass, avoiding her gaze, it still bothers me a lot and I hate having to admit I'm changing into one of them.
We both looked up when Valentine entered.

"You're late. You know lunch is at 12, it's almost half an hour later."

Vasile coldly stated not even looking up from his work.

"Not my fault, my father called. He took forever to finish."

Valentine seemed annoyed, that was not like him.
Vasile placed his pen next to his plate and looked mildly interested at Valentine while leaning his head on one hand.

"What did he want?"

Valentine shrugged.

"He wouldn't tell me. He kept asking about Kyra and what your plans were. In the end he said he would visit sometime within the month."

Vasile chuckled a bit.

"Is that all? Fine let him come, I can already tell what it is he want's to discuss."

Vasile lightly shook his head and continued his work softly chuckling to himself, making Valentine even more annoyed because he clearly didn't get it.

"Than what does that old fart want?"

"Valentine you really are an idiot, aren't you?"

I didn't expect Nadja to butt in like that and neither did Valentine.

"You were the crown prince because Vasile had no heir. And now she is turned, he has."

Nadja glared at me, she was a lot smarter then I gave her credit for.
I know the lord had told me I'm his heir before, but I hadn't given it much thought.
Valentine didn't look at me but at Nadja as that fact sank in.
Nadja smiled a bit malicious back at him.

"You're not needed anymore."

I got up a bit angry, glaring at Nadja.

"Who says I want to be the heir?!"

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