Chapter 51 Mess

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Kyra's pov

"Is, is he dead?!" I started to freak out, Mihai started to chuckle.

"No, he just fainted because you were drinking so fast. You didn't even had that much, little glutton."

It didn't make me feel better about what I just did but at least he wasn't dead.
I looked at Anne and felt a twist in my stomach, the look in her eyes.... she must think I'm a monster.

"Can I go now?"

I felt like crying because I was forced to do something I really didn't want to.
I just wanted to go somewhere quiet, roll up in a ball and feel sorry for myself.

"Yes, go to your room. You're still grounded till dinner."

Gently I grabbed Anne's arm and pulled her along as she seemed to be too scared to move.
With Mihai on our tale we walk back in silence.
As soon as we were back I let go of Anne and dropped on my bed face first.
I just stayed like that for some time until Anne spoke up.

"You bit him..."

I didn't respond, what could I even say to that?
It got quiet for a few minutes but then it became clear she wasn't going to let it go.

"Why did you do that? You monster!"

I sighed with my head still in my pillow before I sat up to look at her. That tone in her voice... it irked me.
She was getting annoying, how could she not understand?
I could feel a low growl bubbling up but suppressed it.

"Because I had no choice."

"Bullshit! Of course you had a choice!"

She stomped her feet on the ground to my surprise, earning her a little scoffing sound from me.

"Sure, the options were bite him or the lord kills you. Which one did you prefer?"

The sarcasm was obvious from my voice.
Her mouth fell open as she looked at me, the look on her face slowly turning from mad to scared and it took me a second to realize I was glaring at her.
I sighed again, feeling myself relax a little.

"We need to find a way for you to escape because he's going to keep using you against me."

"Why do you even care? We're not friends... you don't even know me."

I let myself drop back on the bed again and stared at the ceiling.

"You right... why should I care... we don't know anything about each other. And we can't be friends..."

I sunk back in my own thought again.
How am I going to get rite of that collar and let her escape?
Getting out of the castle is not the problem.
I did that before.
The tracker in the collar is a problem... and the fact that Vasile has the key.

The next morning I had to go back to class right after breakfast, so I had Tom bring Anne back to my room as Valentine walked with me to the classroom.
Last night we had basically ignored each other, she slept on the bed and I had fallen asleep in the chair.
This morning we didn't talk either.

"I heard you were sick? Is that why you didn't drink at breakfast?"

"Hmm? No, I already had my breakfast before you guys..."

Vasile had me feed from him before breakfast, but he still insisted I joined anyway.

"You're pet seemed a bit off today, what happened?"

"She's mad at me..."

Valentine stopped walking and looked at me.

"Are you okay? You sound upset."

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