Chapter 8 Cousin

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Kyra's pov

Suddenly the door flew open and a young man who looked a bit like the lord except for his green eyes and slightly darker hair barged in.
There were still about five people waiting in line for the lord.
They all looked up and bowed their heads as he passed them by.
He didn't pay them any attention and walked straight up to the lord, stopping at the bottom of the stairs.
The lord looked annoyed and signaled Blondy to come closer.
The lord briefly talked to him then Blondy walked off to the line of waiting people to send them on their way.
Meanwhile, the young man seemed to be brewing with confidence while he looked around the room, then his eyes fell on me.
He walked up to me and lowered himself a bit to look me in the eyes.
I could feel a soft tug on my leash, the lord seemed to have picked it up, so far it had just hung over the ornament of his armrest.

"Well, well, what have we here? You're cute, what's your name?"

He asked while he observed me, I didn't like the way he was looking at me.
Like a snake looking at a mouse.
I wasn't sure what to do, but not answering felt rude.


I looked at the ground while I softly spoke out my name.

"Kyra, you look absolutely delicious."

He responded while getting even closer.
I was about to crawl back when I felt a hard tug on the leash, instantly pulling me up the almost three steps I was apart from the throne.
I quickly grabbed the collar with both hands while gasping for air.
An arm pulled me up and pressed me against a body, I realized the lord was holding me under his arm when I heard his voice.
He was angry but not at me this time, I was a bit confused at the scene.
The young man stood at the bottom and seemed amused by the situation, while the lord held me close and half behind him as if protecting me.
No... it wasn't protecting, more like guarding.
Like a predator guarding his kill from another predator.

I could see he wasn't holding the leash anymore and his grip wasn't that firm on me.
As I looked around, I saw a door at the side of the room.
I didn't want to be so close to the lord, and I sure as hell didn't trust that other guy either.

It was only a small chance, the lord was in a discussion now, distracted.
If I can get past that door and somehow block it, maybe I can find a way out of this castle.

I felt his hold on me loosen even more, this was my chance and I took it.
I bolted away from him towards the door, pulled it open, ran in and closed it.
My heart sank when I looked around...
This was no way out, this was just a closet with cleaning supplies.

Still I stayed in, cursing at myself for my stupidity, while holding the doorknob up to prevent it from opening.
I had been so occupied with my "escape" that I hadn't seen the surprised looks on their faces when I ran.
But now I could clearly hear the young man laughing.

"So funny, she ran in the closet. Did she really think she could escape from you? Not as docile as your usual pets is she? Where did you get her from? Maybe I'll go there as well to get myself a feisty one."

I could hear the lord talking back as his footsteps got closer to the door.
The adrenaline was racing through my body, my breath was trembling and my arms started shaking.
I could feel his presence on the other side of the doorknob.
No, no, no, I did something stupid...
What was I thinking trying to escape when he's right there?
I started to panic.
He's gonna kill me, I can't hide here forever.
His grip tightened on the other door-handle, the feeling alone made me let go and step back.

I was looking at the floor, trembling in fear while the door opened.
His shoes came into view but I didn't dare to look up.
Keeping my arms around my chest and my eyes fixed on the floor, I waited for the inevitable.
But the punishment didn't come.
He just took the leash and pulled me out of the closet.

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