Chapter 11 Just a Pet

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Vasile's pov

Mihai will take care of that insolent little brat for now, how dare she try to escape.
I'll have a word with her later.
But first I need to find the unfortunate soul who gave her the opportunity.

"My lord, there you are. I had been looking all over for you. You had summoned me? What can I do for you?"

Surprised, I looked at Sarah who patiently awaited my response.
What did she mean by summoned her?

"Summoned you? What are you talking about?"

Sarah placed her fingers on her cheek while she thought for a second.

"One of the maids. Hilda, I believe her name is. She said it was urgent so I left Kyra with her to find you."

"I see... well there is one thing you can do. Can you tend to Kyra? She tried to run away and I punished her for it. She won't be trying anything soon but she could use some TLC right now and I'm not in the mood."

Sarah nodded and walked away.
Hilda, was it?
Well, that makes finding you a whole lot easier.

It didn't take me long to find her, I just had to ask a few staff members to find out she was in the kitchen.
She was softly singing a song, making me recognize her voice, so I knew she was indeed the one.

Without saying anything I just grabbed her by the back of her hair and pulled her to the same room where I had just punished Kyra.
She was going to get the same treatment Kyra had to face thanks to her, but times three.
Hilda is a vampire so it doesn't matter.
Yes, it will hurt like hell but she'll live.
Unfortunately she won't even have the scars to remember her mistake by thanks to our healing abilities, but it will ease my anger.
It's her fault I had to discipline my pet, so she will pay for that.
I ignored her pleading, she already knew what she did wrong.
When I was done I unchained her.

"Next time you mess with my belongings I will kill you. Is that clear?"

"Y-yes my lord, it won't happen again"

Hilda was trembling on the floor.

"Now get back to work and don't ever come near my pet again."

She quickly got up, bowed and ran out the door.
Good, I don't think that one will give me any more trouble.
I watched the time, this has taken me longer to settle than I liked.
Let's go check on Kyra.


Kyra's pov

Sarah came into the room, she looked a bit worried.

"Why did you do such a stupid thing? I told you, just behave and you'd be fine."

At first I didn't respond, she got a bucket of cold water and some cloths and started to clean the wounds on my back.

"Just kill me and get it over with, suck my blood or whatever. I don't care anymore."

I closed my eyes, my voice sounded hoarse.

"Suck your blood? That is oddly specific. What gave you that idea?"

She wiped my face with the cold cloth, getting the sweat and tears off.

"Isn't that what vampires do? It would explain so much about all of you."

I tried to get up by pushing my hands on the mattress but the pain in my back stopped me almost instantly.

"Don't try to get up, you're only hurting yourself. And don't be so silly, vampires don't exist."

She washed the blood out of the cloth in the bucket.
I chuckled despite the pain.

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