Chapter 59 Mine

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Mihai's pov

Björn walked up to me while I was in the hall adjusting a curtain that wasn't hanging the way it should.

"Mihai did you see Axel? He was supposed to come right back after his errand with Thomas. They should have been back by now and he's not answering his phone. We have guard duty in 20 minutes."

"That's odd..."

Before I could respond any further Nadja came stomping down the hall with a look on her face that spelled trouble.
What did that little minks want?

"You! Where is Kyra?! She should have been at the dress shop two hours ago for her final fitting and she has missed her appointment there! Is she trying to ruin my wedding?!"

"What do you mean she missed the appointment?! Axel and Thomas took her there two hours ago..."

I looked at Nadja in shock, if Kyra didn't get to the appointment and Axel didn't answer his phone something was very wrong.
Nadja looked annoyed and confused at me.

"Then where the hell is she? The shop called me 30 minutes ago to check if she forgot to come, I've been looking all over for her."

"I'll inform the lord. Björn you gather some men, something must have happened."

Quickly I ran down the halls to Vasile's office, I didn't waste time knocking and just barged in while he was having a virtual business meeting.
He looked up annoyed at me and wanted to tell me off but I cut in before he had the chance to open his mouth.

"Kyra's missing!"

His face paled and he quickly told whoever was on the other end he had to go and would call back later.

"What do you mean she's missing?"

"Björn can't get into contact with Axel and Nadja came to tell us the shop called that Kyra never made it there."

Vasile looked at the clock and ran out of his office, quickly I followed him.

"That means they've been missing for 2 hours now!"

Vasile gritted his teeth while he got to the garage, I know he can find Kyra with ease but what about Axel and Thomas? Björn was already waiting downstairs with Valentine, Richard and some others.

"What's the plan my lord?"

Björn asked with a look in his eyes like he's ready to kill, it doesn't surprise me. Axel is his younger brother, he must be worried sick.

"Kyra won't be a problem, even if they are trying to break my bond with her they won't have enough time to complete that. We need to find Axel and Thomas first, something bad must have happened for them not to contact us. Let's hope they are somewhere on the way to the shop."

It didn't take a long car drive to find the crashed car near the road, it seemed whoever did this found an secluded place to do it so no one would notice anything.
This means it had to be planned ahead of time.
Björn immediately jumped out to find his little brother, born vampires are rare and siblings are even rarer.
The bond Björn and Axel have is strong and special, they would do anything for each other.

"I found him! And Thomas too, they are alive but in bad shape."

Björn yelled back, when we got to them we saw Thomas unconscious on the floor with a knife in his stomach and Axel with a knife in this back, along with 4 unknown dead vampires.
For Axel to be in this kind of shape means they were outnumbered badly.

"Björn, take them back to the castle and have the doctor take care of them. The rest of you follow me."

Vasile's voice was cold and angry, they had messed with his clan. Whoever did that will pay dearly for it.

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