Chapter 27 New Years Eve Part 1

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Valentine's pov

Urgh... another boring evening and night.
How does Ludwigg do it?
That man seems to be everywhere.
Does that old goat never sleep?
Ever since my parents grounded me he has made sure I stayed home every night.
I haven't been able to go out in like forever now... I feel like I'm dying...

*Brrrrrr, brrrrrr, brrrrrr*

My eyes fell on my phone, great...
That must be father... what does he have to bitch about this time?
I grabbed the phone and answered a bit annoyed.

"This is the voicemail of Valentine, do not leave a message for I will not call back."

"I was going to tell you you weren't grounded anymore, but I guess you haven't learned your lesson yet... son."

"Oh, hi dad. Didn't know it was you, sorry about that."

"Sure you didn't... you're lucky master Ludwigg has told me good things about you, so I'll let you off the hook. Starting tomorrow you are no longer grounded. Don't let me hear any complaints about you from Vasile anymore or I will make you my personal assistant for the next 50 years, understood?"

"Yes father...."

Sadistic bastard... better change the subject fast.

"How's mother doing?"

"You'd know if you bothered to call."

I could hear him sigh on the other side.
Jesus, I can never seem to please this man...
In the background I could hear my mother talking.

"Yes, it's Valentine... yes dear. Here's your mother."

"Valentine sweetie, I'm so proud of you. Master Ludwigg has told so many good things. I hear you have been helping Vasile with his tasks now? He must be so happy with you, being the lord is a lot of work so he will be happy with all the help he can get.
You are eating well aren't you?"

"Mom I'm fine, you know who cooks at Vasile's house so I'm definitely not starving."

"How is Kyra doing?"

"Okay I guess..."

For some reason mother has taken a liking to Kyra.
If she visits she always brings some sweets for her.

"Next time you visit you should bring her along."

"Sure, as if Vasile would let her go anywhere without him. He's still pissed at me for taking her to the club."

"That's because you didn't ask for his permission first. You should have known better. Besides you know we love to have Vasile over as well."

Humpf... I know.
When he does visit it sometimes feels to me like the prodigal son returned instead of just my cousin...

"I'll let him know, okay mom?"

"I love you honey, listen to master Ludwigg and don't bother Vasile too much. Give our love to Kyra and Vasile. Bye sweetie."

"Bye mom, love ya."

I dropped myself on my bed.
At last, tomorrow I can finally go out again, not a moment too soon.
Tomorrow's New Year's eve, even if I was still grounded I would have gone out.
If needed I would have jumped out of my window.
Vasile said I needed to bring guards, so I just need to persuade him to let me borrow some of his.
Best I make my move at breakfast before he's annoyed by his workload.


Kyra's pov

This morning, Valentine had joined us for breakfast.
I was quietly eating as I listened to Valentine requesting/demanding a favor from the lord.

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