Chapter 58 Breaking A Bond

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Thomas's pov

"My lord, the princess and her pet are expected at the dress shop this afternoon for the final fitting of the dress for lady Nadja's wedding."

I kept my eyes low because the lord was irritated today.
There was a problem with one of his businesses and there was no easy fix for it so he was out for blood.
From what I heard it could have been prevented if the ones in charge of the company had done their jobs correctly.

"At what time?"

"Two O'clock my lord."

"Crap, I have an appointment at that time that can't be cancelled."

He looked up from his agenda and glared at me while thinking about something.
Finally he spoke.

"It's can't be helped, I guess I can't join you then... Take Axel with you, how long will this take?"

"I expect no longer than an hour my lord."

He nodded and I left his office to find Axel only to find Mihai in the halls.

"Hey Tommy, where you off to in such a hurry? Were you not suppose to be on duty, guarding my little kitten today?"

He slapped his arm around me pulling me closer to mess up my hair.

"Please don't do that. I have an errand to run and I do still need to look presentable."

"Really? Does Kyra really care about your looks? That naughty little girl."

My face was turning red at his playful insinuation.
The princess isn't like that all and I really felt the need to defend her honor despite knowing that Mihai was only messing with me.

"It's nothing like that, milady has an appointment at two o'clock for her dress. The lord has instructed me to take Axel with me, but I'm not sure where to look for him and I'm running out of time."

"Check the gym, he's usually training with Björn on his off times."

Mihai was right, he was at the gym with Björn doing his training.
I felt relieved I had found them in time.
A little while later Axel drove us to the shop.
Kyra and Anne were sitting in the back talking when suddenly our car was hit by another one and collided with a lamppost.
At the same time a van stopped and some men jumped out and ran up to our car.

"What the fuck?!"

Axel growled angry and quickly got out to fight them off.
I tried to help him but it was just the two of us and ten of them.
It's not that I'm helpless but they are full grown vampires and I'm barely an adult yet, and Axel might be an excellent fighter but so were they.

Despite being outnumbered Axel still managed to take out two of them before they were able to pin him down.
So far I was only able to keep myself in one piece let alone knock one out.

Both of us were powerless as we had to watch the princess and her pet being dragged out of the car and pulled inside the van.
Despite the vast difference in strenght the princess did her best to defend herself, her pet only seemed to do some half assed attempt to struggle.

Axel managed to break free and killed two of the men that were holding him.
We heard the rest yell to hurry up and start the van.
Axel realizing he didn't have the time to fight them all off before they got away ignored the thirth guy behind him and ran towards the van.
That was a mistake before he got to the van he suddenly collapsed, while he dropped to the floor I watched in horror seeing the knife that was stuck in his back.
They had specials weapons!
Next I felt an tremendous pain in my own stomach and looked down to find a similar knife planted in my abdomen.
I was coughing up blood and helplessly watched the van with the princess drive off before everything went dark before my eyes.
I failed... I failed to keep her safe...

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