Chapter 24 Snowman

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Kyra's pov

"Come, some fresh air will be good for you."

Sarah said while she entered my room grabbing my coat from the closet.
I hopped off the bed and walked after her.
I didn't mind going outside, I like the snow and was thankful for the offer so I didn't have to ask for it like lord Radu would want me to.
There was just no way I was going to entertain him with that, I do still have some of my pride left despite everything else he forces on me.

"Wow there is even more snow than yesterday."

I smiled looking at the added snowfall from last night.

"I'm going to remove some of the snow from the patio so the lord can enjoy his afternoon drink outside if he desires to. You can enjoy the snow in the meantime, just don't wander off too far."

Sarah grabbed the shovel and got to work removing the snow.


I nodded and looked around, what to do?
It's too cold to stay still... might as well make a snowman while I'm here.

While I was rolling the ball I slowly started to enjoy myself.
Sarah was at least subtle with keeping watch over me and she had never punished me like the lord did so I wasn't feeling trapped for the moment.
I could imagine myself just having a free afternoon in the snow making snowmans and building snow forts with the neighborhood kids, only.... I was alone in this ridiculously big backyard surrounded by vampires that could kill me in mere seconds.

"What ya doing?"

Startled, I looked up from the big snowball I could hardly push anymore just to see Valentine standing on the other side of the ball.
A little relieved it was just him I responded.

"I'm building a snowman, but I think I went a little overboard with the first ball. It turned out a bit too big."

I laughed a bit at my own stupidity.
If I wanted to make a snowman that was still in proportion there was no way I could get the second or even a third ball on.
I wasn't strong or big enough for that.

"A snowman huh? That takes me back a few hundred years."

He laughed while leaning on the ball, before letting his eyes scan me a bit mockingly.

"How did you plan to get the next snowball on top with your puny human strength?"

"I could just give it a really tiny middle and head."

I stuck out my tongue, I knew very well what he was implying.

"And ruin this massive snowman? Hell no, let's go big!"

Valentine didn't wait for me to answer and started making another ball.
He's cute, I thought, getting all excited over a snowman and he's really taking it seriously.
It's amazing to see him push that fast growing ball with so little effort.
All right, I'll just make the final ball for the head then.
When we're done I'll ask Sarah for a scarf and carrot to finish him off.

The second Valentine pushed the second ball on the first one I realized just how gentle lord Radu must have been with me when he punished me, even though it had hurt like hell.
I knew he had to be strong because of what he did to Hilda, but seeing Valentine get those snowballs on top of one another really put everything in perspective.
If one of them ever hit me seriously I think I would be dead on impact.

"What's wrong? Didn't I stack them right?"

Valentine's question snapped me out of my thoughts.

"No it's perfect... it's just... I didn't realize you were this strong..."

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