Chapter 54 Scary

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Kyra's pov

Breakfast was awkward the next morning.
I hadn't told anything to Anne about what happened last night nor had I been able to fall back asleep.
I was tired, being awake from 1 am in the morning.
Vasile en Mihai both seemed to be amused by my behavior.
Between Mihai poking around for a reaction from me, asking if I had sweet dreams or other suggestive questions. And Vasile just grinning knowingly every time I dared to look his way, I wished I could be anywhere else but here.

Nadja and Valentine seemed to be too caught up in their own thoughts to notice. Anne on the other hand was looking at me with burning question marks in her eyes, but she knew better than to ask now.

"Valentine? You father was suppose to arrive around 11 today right?"

Vasile looked at Valentine from over his newspaper.
Valentine looked up from his thoughts.

"Mmm, yes that's what he said yesterday."

"Okay. Mihai, could you tell master Ludwigg classes are canceled today? I need his opinion on some matters that Caspar and I need to discuss. So I want him at the meeting, and after I'll have a word with them."

He gestured at Nadja, Valentine and myself. Thanks to the way he formulated that, all three of us were looking like a deer caught in headlights.

"What...? Not happy about a free morning?"

He gave us all a stern look.

"No, it's cool."

Valentine mumbled as he looked away, Nadja pretended to be too busy with her breakfast to respond.
I just nodded and avoided eye contact.
With breakfast over Anne and I quickly left the room.

"So can you tell me now why you were acting all weird this morning?"

Anne poked my arm while we were aimlessly roaming the halls with Tom close behind.

"I think I found out by accident why Lord Radu doesn't have a wife or girlfriend."

Anne's eyes grew big in excitement.

"Really? Do tell, I love a good gossip."

"Well last night I woke up thirsty and I kinda walked in on Lord Radu and Mihai..."

"What?! No way!"

Anne started to laugh.

"That hilarious! I had that with my parents once, god it gave me nightmares for weeks. But I never imagined them to be gay."

Tom cleared his throat making both of us turn around.
Anne's laugh died down immediately, she nervously looked at the ground and got behind me a bit.

"The lord is not gay, milady. After 2000 years one simply doesn't care if the one you like is male, female or something else. The only thing the lord is not sexually attracted to is his food."

He glared at Anne at that last comment.
She grabbed my arm and whispered.

"What did he say?"

"That they will go for everything with a heartbeat that isn't considered food."

I grinned at the face of utter disgust Tom made from my comment.
Anne couldn't hold in her laugh, good.
I smiled at her, I don't like it if she's too scared to be herself.
Turning my attention back to Tom, who was still looking a bit sour, I smirked at him.

"Ow, come on Tom, you have to admit that one was funny."


Vasile pov

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