Chapter 41 Still In Control

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Kyra's pov

The two of us were standing silently in front of my bedroom door.
Nadja had heard someone on the stairs and was going ballistic at the door.
Man, she sure has a lot of energy to waste, it was admirable to say the least.
She must not have known that the lord was on the other side.
I'm sure her tone would be different in that case.

"So now what? Seal the door with a brick wall or just throw away the key? Can I look for a different bedroom? Because that is the roommate from hell."

I looked up at Vasile, he chuckled at bit at my suggestions.

"As tempting as that is, it will cause more trouble than it is worth. No, I think it's better to call Dimitri over and have him explain his daughters behavior. Love to see him talk his way out of this one."

"Did you find out more about that... umh... incident?"

I thought back about the time that Hilda almost killed me.
Lord Radu nodded.

"You remember that there was another spy? In the end he spilled the beans, seems it was all a set up to get information about me so Nadja could blackmail me into marrying her. A simple struggle for power so to speak. We are still using him to get the latest intel on their plans."

I turned to walk down the stairs again.

"So was he in on it?"

"Yes, from what we found out they had already figured out that you could be used as leverage. The only thing left for them was figuring out how to use you so it best fit their plans. I was just waiting for the opportune moment to confront them about it."

He followed me down the stairs, ignoring the now pleading and begging Nadja, who had come to realized who was on the other side of the door.

"Does my... uhm... recent change work in my benefit? Am I in the clear now?"

I glanced sideways at Vasile while we walked to his office.
He shook his head.

"No, not until you can defend yourself properly. They can still overpower and kidnap you easily the way you are now. But we will fix that, until then you are confined to the house and I will have Mihai guard you 24/7."

A low growl escaped my throat.

"So nothings changed, I'm still a prisoner."

"You are not a prisoner. You can go everywhere in the house and gardens if you want, whenever you want too. Just not outside the walls for now. That will change when you get stronger and older. Listen, you're still thinking like a human. So think of it this way, would you leave a baby out on the streets alone just because it can crawl?"

I just blinked, was he serious?
He had his arms crossed as he waited for my reaction to his preposterous comparison.

"I'm 18, not some helpless baby."

He laughed and ruffled up my hair.

"You are a baby in the eyes of a vampire."


Vasile's pov

"Come, I need to make a few phone calls. Just tell me when you're thirsty, the first few days you need a lot of blood."

The face Kyra was making at the word blood was interesting.
Something between utter disgust and hatred.
She clearly does not like the idea of asking for blood.
O well, I should just keep an eye on her.
It's not hard to see if she needs blood or not.
Together we walked to my office, first I will call Caspar.
Then I will call Dimitri and see what he has to say for himself.

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