Chapter 40 The Elephant In The Room

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Kyra's pov

I was still in shock when we got back to the castle.
The rest of the car trip I had been too confounded to respond to what the lord had told me.
I was his daughter now?
Is he fucking kidding me?
He killed my parents and now I was supposed to call him... dad?
No fucking way!

I stayed in the car when he got out.
My hands traveled up to my neck where the collar used to be.
It was really gone, I looked at the seat in front of me.
That cursed thing that had made my life so difficult for the past year was just laying there.

"Are you going to get out of the car, or do you plan to live there?"

The lord grabbed my arm and gently pulled me out.
The sun was setting by now, so my headache had subsided.

Valentine was waiting outside.

"You're still alive!"

Valentine happily walked up to me to greet me, but his sudden movements towards me made my blood-lust kick in and before I knew it my fangs were in his neck and I was taking big gulps of his blood.

"Wow, what are you doing? Slow down! That's not something...ah, auw... you should be doing!"

Valentine tried to push me off him but I held on tight, only biting down harder.

"Idiot, you know she just changed and that makes her very thirsty. She can't control it yet. You should have known better than to get so close to her."

The lord scoffed as he watched me drink.

"Just wait till she had enough and don't get too close to her the next couple of months. I'm her father, I should help her go through this phase."

The word father snapped me back to my senses and I immediately let go of Valentine.

"I... I'm sorry Valentine... I don't know what came over me."

I was blushing in shame a bit, surprised that he was blushing as well.

"T-that's okay."

It did pain me a bit to see him take a step back as he watched me warily. Apparently, also unsure about where to look now.
Wiping away his blood from my mouth, I looked at the lord angrily.

"Why? You knew I didn't want this. And you still did it. You took away the last chance I had to go back to my home, and now you want me to call you dad? You killed my parents, my father is dead!"

Not knowing what else to do with the feeling of frustration building up in my body, I ran in the house and up to my room.

When I opened the door I saw Nadja was still in there.
She looked at me in as much surprise as I looked at her.

"Fuck, I forgot about you."

I instantly slammed the door shut and threw the lock back on.
Leaning my back against the door, I sat down and I listened at her cursing me. In a strange way it kinda relaxed me, at least she still treated me the same.

"Sooo, Nadja? Do they know you're in my room or didn't anyone go in yet?"

I just asked to open the conversation as this was getting awkward.
It got quiet in the room behind me for a few seconds before I could hear her angry voice.

"Pet... if you let me out now, I promise I will not rip you apart."

"It's Kyra, not pet... thank you very much. And you're not answering my question."

She started to bang on the door.

"Fucking bitch! Let me out!"

I just wanted to wait for her to calm down, when I heard Sarah coming up the stairs.
She stopped a few steps below me as she looked at the scene.

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