Chapter 55 Wedding plans

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Kyra's pov

"You and your pet are being my bridesmaids."

"Excuse me? Why? I don't even like you."

It was the day after Vasile and Caspar shocked both me and Nadja with their plans.
I was in one of the living rooms enjoying a glass of blood while Anne was having a snack.
We were playing a game against each other on the IPad, Anne unfortunately was kicking my ass with it.
I looked at Nadja a bit irritated.
Why would she want me for something like that?

"It's my wedding and I want bridesmaids."

She sulked a bit while she dropped herself in the armchair.

"So? Ask your friends."

I just shrugged, I still didn't see the logic's of her demanding me and Anne to do it.

"I don't want to ask my friends, they would all want to outshine me on my most important day anyway."

"Do you even have friends to begin with?"

I sneered back at her, a bit annoyed I continued.

"Besides, you know just as well as me I'm not allowed to do anything without Vasile's consent. He doesn't even allow me to leave the castle grounds so how am I going to be of any help to you? Speaking of which, didn't he say that he and your future husband would make all arrangements?"

Nadja tapped on the armrest of her chair while she thought about that.

"You're right... he already robbed me of my choice of husband. He's not going to rob me of my choice of dress, bridesmaids, wedding colors, venue, cake and what not. If he thinks he can decide all that, he's got another thing coming!"

She got up and stormed out of the room angry.
Me and Anne just stayed seated, Anne looked at me confused.

"What hap.."

She didn't get to finish that sentence because Nadja's head poked around the door opening.

"Kyra! Are you coming or what? We have to stand up to him or he'll dictate our lives forever!"

Wow, seems a bridezilla woke up.
I looked at Anne and placed my glass back on the table.

"Seems we're going with her to yell at the lord. You're up for it?"

I stated a bit indifferent while I got up and walked towards the room.


Anne looked a bit scared at me, I smirked back at her.

"Yes, Nadja is angry she hasn't been able to decide anything for her wedding. And somehow she thinks I'm going to help her. Of course I'm not going to yell at the lord, I don't have a death wish. But I bet it will be fun to watch."

We walked calmly behind her while she was getting pumped up to give Vasile a piece of her mind.
Well... I was walking calmly, Anne was petrified of what was going to happen.
Nadja barged into the lord's office, I came in behind her with Anne and quietly closed the door.

"Vasile! You're being unreasonable! You already decided a husband for me. I don't even know who he is, and a wedding is very important to a woman. I'm not trusting you and that Ragnar what's his name to arrange everything to my liking! I want to go dress shopping, pick the venue, the cake, the colors and all those thing for myself. You're being a jerk for denying me those things."

Vasile seemed to be too stunned to react for a second, blinking a few times to process the waterfall of words that were just thrown in his direction.
He placed his pen on his desk and opened one of the drawers.
He got a paper out of it and walked up to Nadja.

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