Chapter 52 Getting To Know Each Other

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Kyra's pov

What is wrong with Anne these past few days?
She has been extremely clingy and touchy ever since she trashed my room.
Lucky for her she cleaned it up before the lord saw it.
Although he must have known something was up.
I'm sure Tom or Mihai told him something, because he was glaring at Anne as if he knew.

I was in the library again looking through the books trying to find more information about the change into a vampire and perhaps if there was a way to stop it.


"Mmm?" I looked up to Anne, she seemed a bit nervous. So far she had just been sitting there on the other side of the table.

"What are you looking for in those books?"

"Anything that gives me any information about what I'm going through. Ideally a way to stop it... but so far I found nothing that indicates that that's even possible."

She picked up one of the books to look at it, turning the book upside down and back up.

"What langues is this anyway?"

"Thracian. Same langues they all speak here."

"Never heard of that. How come you speak it too? Is that also part of changing?"

Anne leaned on her elbows, resting her head on her hands as she looked at me intrigued.

"Hehe, no I wish it was that easy. No, he had master Ludwigg teach me about a year ago... pray he doesn't teach you too."

I rubbed over my arms as I said that.

"What was you life like before you got here?"

"Different, my family was very poor. My mom was always working hard but earning little money. My dad could never keep a job. They had... issues... I had to work hard to help pay the bill while still going to school, so I never had time for myself. And you?"

I closed the book I was reading and turned my attention to Anne. If she was going to pry in my life I might as well pry in hers. Maybe getting to know her will result in understanding her too.

"Really? You were poor? Your life has improved then..."

She seemed in her own world for a few seconds. Stupid girl, an improvement... She does not know what she's talking about.

"I wasn't poor at all, I was on vacation in Spain with some friends when I was kidnapped. First I thought they just wanted a ransom, but then they sold me to that horrible man. My parents must be worried sick about me, if they still think I'm alive..."

"At least yours are still alive and you have something to return to. The lord had my parents killed and Mihai..."

I nudged my head in his direction.

"...burned my house down to the ground. I have nothing anymore. You call this an improvement, it's not. I still have to do what the lords wants and I have to call him dad... that's just sick."

Mihai didn't respond but just smirked, damn his vampire hearing. He may be sitting far away by the door but he hears everything. I got up from the table and grabbed the books to place them back in the shelf's. Now what?... all this talking about my life before made me depressed, I want to unwind... The sauna! Yes, that's a great idea.

"Mihai? Is it okay if we go the caldarium for the rest of the afternoon?"

"Of course it is."

He stood up and walked with us to the caldarium.

"If you dare to enter I will kill you."

I warned him as Anne and I got inside.
He just laughed and stayed at the entrance.

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