Chapter 31 Not a Robot

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Kyra's pov

The next couple of days I tried to avoid the lord as much as possible, saying only the bare minimum to him while not being disrespectful.
The lord seemed annoyed by it, but because I technically didn't do anything wrong, he didn't punish me.
But the lord wouldn't be the lord if he didn't knew the perfect way to get back at me.

After dealing with my little rebellion for two days, he forced me to stay at his side the whole time.
Dragging me around by my leash, glaring at me and thus making sure I was reminded again of my position.

Mihai entered the lord office.

"My lord, I have some free time between my tasks. If you want, I can resume the dancing lessons of your pet. Ow, and before I forget the tailor called, he can be here at 3 pm for the measurements of her dress."


The lord stood up.

"I want to see how the lessons are going, lead the way."

We got to the piano room, Sarah was already behind the piano and the black training heels were standing ready for me to use.

"Let's first show the lord how far we have gotten with the waltz and the slowfox, after we can make a start with the tango."

I just nodded and waited for Mihai to disconnect the leash so I could put on the heels.
The music started and Mihai took my hand.

"Don't forget to smile."

He whispered.

"Easier said then done..."

I sighed as I began to move with Mihai to the music.

"Just close your eyes and dream away on the music."

I did what Mihai suggested, and I actually started to feel better.
Letting my emotions flow on the cords Sarah struck on the piano.
Mihai made me do some twirls between the moves, earning a very meant laughter from me.
The way he danced with me was fun and playful, bringing some joy back to me.
In the end I even opened my eyes and looked at him smiling.

The lord had been watching the whole time and suddenly walked up to us, tapping Mihai on the shoulder.

"Mind if I tap in?"

"Not at all my lord."

Mihai gave me a bow, as he handed my hand to the lord.
The smile on my face was gone in an instant, my eyes fell to the floor again.
Unsure of where to look, I took my position, placing left hand on his shoulder as we started to dance.

"Didn't Mihai told you to look your dance partner in the eyes?"

"Yes he did... master."

I had to find the courage to look up at his stern eyes, only to look away in seconds because he made me feel very uncomfortable.

"Why is that one minute you're hugging me as if your life depends on it, and the other you won't even look me in the eyes. I know you can smile, I saw that when you were dancing with Mihai."

He sounded annoyed.

"You'll get mad if I tell you."

I looked to the side a bit irritated.

"I'll get mad if you don't."

There was a low growl in his voice.

"Then what's the point? I'll end up on the losing side either way!"

I glared back at the lord.
The lord stopped dancing, his eyes started to glow red in anger. Something had snapped in me, I was done being obedient and submissive.

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