Chapter 46 Concerns

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Kyra's pov

"So you're coming back to class?"

Valentine and I were walking down the hall on our way to the classroom.

"Yes, Vasile told me to. He says as long as I feed regularly it should be okay now the first few days are over."

"Ha, so you won't jump me anymore?"

We both laughed, but his laugh died down quickly when he heard Tom clear his throat.

"Lord Valentine, that is not the way you should be conversing with a lady."

I looked back a bit annoyed at Tom.

"Tom... Valentine is my friend and also the crown prince, I'm sure he can speak any way he likes."

"Milady, as he is the crown prince, he should mind his manners even more. And so should Milady as the princess of lord Radu's household. It's not in milady's best interest to get so close to eligible males when not engaged to them, rumors might spread."

"What the fuck?! Are you serious?!"

Valentine snapped and grabbed Tom by the collar of his shirt.
I grabbed Valentines arm.

"Calm down, who cares about that? I'm sure the staff has already seen you being friendly with me when I was still a pet. Speaking of which, I think most rumors would be about me changing from pet to princess."

I scoffed while pulling his arm away from Tom, giving Tom a death glare, as I dragged Valentine along.

"Come, if we're late, master Ludwigg will give us hell."

A little later in class, I think I've been here for about thirty minutes and it just felt odd.
I was uneasy just sitting unchained in the classroom.
Master Ludwigg had given me a book explaining the biology of vampires.
He had told me to start reading that while he explained Valentine what he needed to work on today.
He would review what I had read so far later with me.

It's weird the way he treats me, when I was still a pet, he had zero patients with me.
Every little mistake would be punished.
Right now, thirty minutes in class and still no punishment for anything, it's just weird.

It was also a lot more comfortable sitting at the table now that I wasn't chained to it with one hand.
I could just lean my head on one hand while skimming through the pages.
Before I had to sit up straight the whole time, and not just because master Ludwigg told me to.

I was eyeing Tom from my peripheral, he was silently reading his book.
Ever since the lord told him he had guard me until Mihai was back, he had been around me 24/7.
And because the lord had chewed his ear off, for failing to put my needs above all else on just one occasion, he had been following his instructions to the letter and beyond.
It wasn't that I hated him, he does have fun sides like being willing to teach me fencing.
But he sometimes annoyed the hell out of me with his stupid formal way of speaking and how he apparently tried to shape me into something I'm not, nor want to be.
Why would he say those things to Valentine?
He just my friend and I'm sure Valentine has higher standards for a girlfriend... or wife.
He's cute but way out of my league, besides I still have to do what Vasile's tells me to do.
Even if I'm... like this now.
I doubt he will ever let me go, the thought made me sigh silently.

"Kyra! Are you reading or what?"

Master Ludwigg smashed his pointer stick on my table scaring the hell out of me, making me sit up in a split second.

"Yes I'm reading master Ludwigg."

He snatched the book from my table.

"Is that so?..."

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