Chapter thirty six

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"Hey Penelope. I'm shawn" I bent down on one knee, resting it against the wooden floor of Ally's house.

The long brown haired blue eyed little girl stared back at me in awe as she examined each aspect of my face.

Her tiny, fragile little hand taking mine and waving with her free one.

"Hi Shawn"

Willow smiled, watching us both before running off somewhere else.

It was clear how much her sister meant to her.

"Its been a crazy few days huh? How have Ally's family treated you"? She nodded, smiling wide. A noticeable loose tooth hanging on the bottom.

"Very good! They are much nicer then my daddy" My blood ran cold and I had to push everything in my back to not Jult out of the house and go to him.

Had he ever laid a hand on this little girl?

My cheeks were heating.

"Well I'm glad to hear that" I smiled this time.

"Shawn"? She raised her eye brows, staring at me trying to form what she wanted to say before glancing at the floor.


"Are you gonna help my sissy? So daddy can't hurt her anymore"

This time it wasn't anger that striked me all the way to my core, it was simply pain.



Penelope, a five year old innocent, happy little girl asking me a question like that when she shouldn't even have to think about anything along those lines.

How could a 'daddy' be so cruel.

"I won't ever let that happen again. To Willow or you, okay"? I lifted up her chin like I do with Willows and within a second she flew into my chest, grasping her arms around my neck and squeezing with all the tiny strength she could.

"Thank you Shawn"!!

"Someone's getting along" Will laughed, re entering the living room with three cups of orange juice and a plate of chocolate chip cookies.

I stood up straight, running a hand through my own hair before taking a cookie from the plate.

"Willow can Shawn come over all the time"???? Penelope cupped at least four of the treats in her shirt, attempting to be sneaky.

Will sipped her juice, looking at me with an endless smirk.

"Of course he can pen"

"Yay! I have to go to tell Ally" She booked it out of the room and up the long flight of stairs, I rested my body into the couch.

Watching Willow watch me in comfort.

"She's happy ya know"

Her voice sunk but her eyes stayed lit.

"That's a good thing babe"

"I know I know, it's just.. Iv never really seen it before. I can't take that away from her Shawn" Now her fingers were in her lap as she fiddled with them like she always did when she was nervous.

I got out of my seat as went to her, resting my arm around her shoulder and just pulling her into my chest.

"You don't have too"

"What am I supposed to do? I can't take her home and I can't stay here forever. I want her to forget about Dad but if I drag her back there against my will how can she"? She was looking up at me now.

Worry and question swimming through her.

I played with the ends of her hair, kissing the top of her head.

"We'll figure it out Willow. Together, you have me now"

Her careful arms squeezed my waist just as Penelope had.

I wasn't ever going to leave them.

I couldn't.

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