Chapter sixty nine

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I had attempted to fall asleep around two, or at least that's when I crawled myself into the cold, empty sheets and pulled the thin comforter over my weak body.

But I'd been laying here for hours staring at the ceiling, as if something was going to appear or I was waiting for some sort of magic that would erase my memory of this terrible night.

He left me

He left me and this time we didn't call it a break. Not that there was much of a difference between that and a break up but when your hearts ripped out by the hands of the exact same person who placed it in, a break and a break up have very different meanings.

I kept trying to think it over, trying to find the moment when it all went wrong because the only words that kept playing in my mind were 'I'd never leave you'

Was I stupid to think they were real?

Was I taking for granted the time I had with him?

I knew Shawn wasn't going to stay but I never let myself dig deep enough into the thought.

He gets tired of people, he needs something new before the thing he had even gets old.

His dad was right.

He dad was right and nothing had felt more like a slap in the face than that.

Maybe my ribs wouldn't be aching with each breath I took and my hair wouldn't be pushed and matted back by all the sweat if I had the tinniest feeling he would call me tomorrow and everything would be okay.

I didn't have that feeling.

The way he looked at me, the way he seemed so anxious to get away so quickly and just end us with no specific reason..

He wasn't gonna come back.


I didn't bother to lift my head from the hard pillow as Ally entered the dark room.

She'd been checking in on me sense we went to bed and I knew it was out of love but I wanted to be alone.

I needed to be alone.

"How you holdin up sweet pea"?

The bed sunk lightly as she sat down, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I can't sleep.."

I admitted, my voice cracking as I attempted to speak.

God, my eyes must have been giant blobs of puffy red by now.

"Me either. I'm too worried about you"

"You don't have to be" I turned on my side, closing my lids for just one moment to reduce the stinging of keeping them open for too long.

"But I am.. He's such a asshole.."

"Let's not mention him for a bit okay"?

I weakly frowned as she nodded.

My eyes were so adjusted to the darkness it was easy to see every movement.

"You wanna get outta here? We can go in the living room and watch movies on the flat screen"

I half smiled and shook my head no.

"I'm okay right here. Thanks tho Al"

"You're not okay. Please don't try and sugar coat this Will, let's go do something to get your mind off it because I'm telling you sitting here alone and not being able to sleep isn't helping"

Nothing helps

I wanted to say.

"What exactly do you have in mind"?

She clapped her hands and ran to flick on the lights.

I groaned, throwing my hands over my face in pain.

"That hurt"

"So will your head when we get back from the sickest bar in Canada"

I slowly pulled the covers from my legs, goose bumps rising quickly.

"A bar? Al do you really think that's the best idea"?

She was moving all around the room, picking items off the floor trying to find what I assumed to be an outfit.

"Of course I do! When's the last time you got drunk"?

My mind shot back to the night at Shawn's house, he'd taken care of me and made sure I didn't end up hurting myself.

"I don't remember"

"Exactly. Willow," She plopped back down next to me, a bundle of dresses held against her chest.

"I know you're heart broken and all you wanna do is lay in bed and sulk until he comes back but that's just gonna hurt even more so get your ass up and let's get wasted"

"Chocolate wasted"? I pouted.

"Regular waisted babe"



I was practically screaming as my best friend clutched my arm through the crowd of sweaty drunks.

Music blasted loud enough I couldn't hear myself think.

When she said 'Sickest' bar in Canada, she literally meant sickest because everyone outside was either passed out or barfing their guts out.

"OF COURSE NOT! JUST HAVE FUN OKAY"?! She smiled and waved to every guy that looked her way, did I forget to mention Ian left after Shawn to see where he went?

"If you say so.." My ears rung and all too quickly Ally's hand loosened from mine and she disappeared into the crowd of dancers.

I awkwardly stood against the bar, considering buying to take my mind away from everything.

Take my mind away from him

"Hard day"?

The man who I hadn't noticed beside me raised an eye brow sympathetically.

I sighed.

"You could say that"

"Well.. I assume you're here because you don't wanna talk about it so why don't you let me buy you a drink"?

He had black hair spiked up and dressed all too classy for a man at a bar, it was hard to not realize how handsome he was.

"No thank you. I'm thinking of just ditching"

"Someone break your heart"?

I coughed lightly, tucking hair behind my ear.

"Excuse me"?

He laughed, pushing a full shot glass my way.

"Did someone break your heart"?

That wasn't any of his business.

"Um.. I, I don't want it"

I pushed it back to him but he just returned it.

"Fine. And no, no one broke my heart"

My hands shook gently as I chugged the small glass down, licking my lips afterwards.

"Round two"?

"Round two."


Uh oh 😟 what's Willow gonna get herself into? And how do you all feel about Shawn right now?

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