Chapter three

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"Good morning Will." Ally smiled, happy as could be as I entered home room the next day.

My hair was in a messy bun, bags shown under my eyes and I couldn't seem to get this godamn headache to disappear.

"Morning." I tried to smile, but it was useless.

"You look like shit." I felt like shit.

"Thank you, kind friend." I joked, setting my stuff down on the desk and running my hands down my face.

"Did you sleep."? I hadn't. I never really slept, Penelope cries every night and ontop of that.. I couldn't get that Shawn kid out of my mind.

But I didn't tell Ally that.

"A little. I think I'm coming down with something."

"Well don't get to sick cause Jason's throwing a party tonight"!

A party was the last thing I wanted to hear.

"A party? I thought you guys were fighting."

"Nope. We talked on the phone for hours last night and Willow.." She fluttered her long eye lashes.

"He's so sweat." I wanted to laugh but I didn't.

This girl was clueless.

"So your good then."? She nodded. I laid my head on the desk. The throbbing growing stronger.

"Your coming, I already have our dresses picked out."


"No, no I'm not. I'm sorry Al but..." My dad, my dad would never let me go and I had to be home for Penelope.

"Your going. You never go anywhere with me anymore and I need you to come tonight okay? It's Friday." She squeezed my hand. I didn't say no again but I sure didn't say yes either.

The bell rang and everyone swam in, homeroom also happened to be English.

My heart pounded at an unreasonable speed, waiting for him to walk in.

But he never did.

Not even late.


"Your dress is like black and skin tight, you'll look sexy in it I promise. And mine is red and skin tight. TWINS."! Ally clapped her hands. I chuckled and stirred the pasta on my tray.

She'd been talking about his party all day.

"Be there at 7, on the dot. Okay."? I nodded. I most likely wouldn't be able to go, I mean.. I couldn't. There was no way. But if nodding made Al feel better,
So be it.

"Willow, I didn't get a chance to ask you in class but your still on for tutoring Shawn yeah."? Mr. Winn stood at the end of our empty lunch table. Ally gasped as he spoke.

"Sure thing. He's.."

"Not here, I know. Start Monday." He patted my shoulder and walked off. I was scared to meet eyes with Al.


"Your screaming..."

"What the hell." She went back to an inside voice.

"I'm sorry, I know."

"When were you gonna tell me you were tutoring the most gorgeous, popular, bad ass boy in school? This is something you tell your best friend."! She hit the table while setting her hands down.

I rubbed my temples.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think it was a big deal."

"He's beautiful. With a capital B." Sometimes, it was hard to believe she was a senior.

"I.." She cut me off.

"You know what, let's leave now. We only have a study block next! Come with me and we'll go back to my house and get ready ahead of time. I'm to excited. And hey, maybe Shawn will show up." I rolled my eyes. Before saying yes she grabbed my arm and yanked me up.

I quickly shoved the brownie in my bag.


Lights beamed and music blasted. I couldn't hear myself think as Ally led the way through the crowd of people, they were everywhere. Holding red solo
cups and grinding on each other.

The black dress clung way to tight to my waist, every guy licking there disgusting lips as we walked past.

I was gonna be sick.

"I don't know about this.." I tried to yell to Ally over the singing voice.

"You'll be fine." She yanked me further.

I didn't want to be here. I wanted, needed to be home with Penelope.

She must be so scared.

"JASON THIS IS WILLOW."!!! Ally pointed to me as she let go of my hand and swung her arms around the blonde haired boys neck. He grabbed her butt and squeezed it as they kissed.

Yep, I was defiantly gonna be sick.

"Will go have fun. I'll take you home in a little bit." She kissed him again after speaking.

My heart was defiantly pounding now. What was I doing? I'd never been to a party before.

"Excuse me.. Move.. Please." I pushed and prided through the people. Some gave snarl looks while others gave drunken smiles.

I needed to find a bathroom.

"Do you know where the bathroom is."!? I asked a girl while she danced on a boy.

Did any of these kids go to our school?


It was useless. I walked ahead, pressing my fingers to my temples and closing my eyes.

"What the hell."!! I bumped into someone, stinky liquid went all down my dress and their pants.

"I'm so sorry I..." I looked up.


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