Chapter eighty seven

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Shawns POV•

I watched as a Willows body seemed to fall to the ground in slow motion, no one could hear a sound except for the doors opening around us and Ally screaming.

I didn't remember getting out and running to her but before I knew it she was wrapped in my arms, I held her head up.

Fear hit my body like a bullet.

"Babe? Willow? Will" I pushed her hair out of her face and frantically shook her shoulders, trying to get some sort of movement.

She said she didn't feel good, you should have known you fucking idiot instead of getting pissed at her.

"Oh my god, oh my god is she okay"? Ally was panicking, knelt near Will, trying to understand what happened and why.

"CALL 911" I yelled up to Ian but he was already on it.

I was terrified.

I didn't understand what happened and holding willow in my arms as she felt lifeless was like my chest had been burried with bricks.

"Fuck, Will wake up baby girl. Wake up"

She didn't move, not even a flinch. Her eyes shut.

I didn't realize it but it felt like my eyes were welling with tears but I squeezed them shut and made the water disappear.

God dammit Shawn.. help her.

This is your fault

As I held her body in my arms we heard sirens around the corner and it seemed as if everything
else happened so quickly.

They moved Willow into the back of the ambulance and before I knew it we were halfway to the hospital.


"When will she wake up"?

I had my hands on my knees, starring down at the tile floor as my blood boiled inside.

I didn't make eye contact with the doctor.

I couldn't

"Anytime now, Mrs Right is just sleeping at the moment from all the medications we provided her but she should wake up whenevers she's ready"

She smiled politely but it didn't make this situation any better.

How did this happen

"Tell me again... what happened..."

I couldn't wrap my head around any of this, I couldn't understand the news the doctor just gave me.

How could this happen

"Willow suffered from dehydration from lack of fluids and nutrients in her body, her blood sugar was low and being.."


I held up my hand, still starring at the floor.

I didn't want to hear anymore

"Of course. I will be right outside if you have any further questions"

Her heels clicked the tiles as she slowly exited the white, cold room.

I felt like I was frozen in time and I couldn't move, I couldn't even blink.

We weren't ready for this

I wasn't ready for this..


My head popped up quickly as a small, delicate voice broke the silence of the room.

Willow moved her head slowly back and fourth as she awake from her "sleep"

I jolted up, grabbing her hand in mine.

"Hi babe" I squeezed it tightly, hearing her voice again felt like the biggest rush of relief.

I needed to hear her voice.

"Shawn.. I'm.. im sorry" She was groggy but as soon as her blue eyes opened they met mine.

I shook my head.

"I'm sorry babe.."

I felt like I needed to keep my words to a minimum, the relief I felt that Will was okay and the mixed anger scared me into something I'd regret to say.

I didn't know what the hell to do or say.

My head was crumbled up and I couldn't bare to even think straight.

This all felt like a bad dream.


Suddenly the door swung open and in ran Ally, Ian shortly to follow.

I rubbed the top of Wills hand before stepping back.

Ally jumped into the bed and hugged her best friend tightly.

"Al.. geez... I'm not dead" She laughed and hugged her back.

I ran a hand through my hair, contemplating my next decision.

"What happened anyway.."?

As Ally backed up Willow asked the question no one really wanted to answer.

I couldn't do this

"I have to go"

Was the last word I said before running off like the coward I was.


Willows POV•

I didn't have time to open my mouth, I couldn't stop him in time or even collect my thoughts on why he just ran off.

What the hell happened?

"Al, what happened" I rubbed my eyes to get them fully opened, my arm ached as I moved it, the IV stuck in firmly.

All I remember was collapsing to the ground and then nothing, everything went black.

"Ian, go after him"

Ally spun around to Ian and he nodded, running off.

The room fell silent and I didn't understand why my best friend was looking at me like she wanted to jump from excitement and cry of worry.

"Al...." I mumbled, getting more nervous by the second.

Her lips parted as she started to speak, she grabbed my hand in her and squeezed it.


"What? What Al Jesus tell me what's wrong"

"You're pregnant Will"

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