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Shawns POV•

"So, are you scared? I mean... what are you gonna do"? Jess asked me, a concerned look on her face after I had explained my situation to her.


The baby..

"I have no idea. I'm fucking terrified. I can't be a father... I don't.. I don't want to be" I spoke out loud, admitting it to myself. This isn't what I wanted, not now anyway, not this way and not this time. I wasn't ready, I wasn't ready for any of this.

"Well you don't exactly have a choice Shawn. You can walk away from Willow if that's what you really want but you can't walk away from the baby and you know that's the truth. You weren't raised that way." She arched her eye brow, getting ready to give me a life lesson like she always did when we were younger.

Jess was my cousin, moms sisters daughter. We were wicked close growing up, she's a couple years older but when her parents split in middle school, they moved to the U.S and have been there ever since. I needed to tell someone in my family what was going on and I knew I couldn't tell my parents.

"I won't. I'm just freaked the fuck out" I kept running my hands through my hair, wanting to pull it out at the same time. I never regretted falling in love with Willow but damn my life had done a complete 360 in what, a year? A little over a year? The person I was before her didn't have any worries in the world. And I missed that person.

Sometimes I wished I could just go back.


"I can't tell you what to do Shawn but I can tell you, talk to her. Tell her what's going through your mind because guess what? I bet you she's feeling all of these things too. Do you really think this is what she wanted? At seventeen? Of course not! But she's doing her best to make light of it all I'm sure" She smiled, rubbing my shoulder as I squeezed my eyes shut to collect my thoughts.

Jess wasn't wrong, I knew Will was probably freaking out too but she was much better at keeping it together than I was.

"Also, clean out your truck. You have enough bottles in their to fill up two bags of trash." She pointed to my truck filled of alcohol. I had drunken some today but not enough to get me drunk.

"Thanks Jess" I pulled her in and gave her one more hug before she had to get back to her friends. She was in Canada visiting, her best friends baby shower was today, coincidentally.

"I really appreciate it" I squeezed her harder and she squeezed back.

"No prob little cuz. Stay outta trouble"! Jess walked off to her car beside my truck, I nodded and gave her a wave before hopping in my vehicle and speeding outta that dump whole.

I was going to talk to Willow, I knew I needed too.

But first, I wanted to drink.


Willows POV•

Talking with Ben seemed to come so naturally, it was easy to make conversation with him and easy to just be around. He knew all the right questions to ask and answers to keep the conversation moving and he didn't ask anything personal that I would have a hard time answering.

"Wait, so you really jumped out of a plane???!?! Are you nuts"? We both laughed as I exclaimed my confusion and surprise to his story of skydiving with his friends last summer.

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