Chapter 37 - Lila Coming Out

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Clint: Hey Wands. What's up?

Wanda: I'm not quite sure to be honest, but we just got back to our cabin and when we pulled up, Lila was sitting out front. Y/N went to go talk to her but did you know?

Clint: No, I didn't. I haven't gotten anything about Lila missing from Laura or even a text

Wanda: I'm going to let Y/N talk to her before I call Laura, please don't call her quite yet

Clint: I trust you. Thanks Wands

Wanda: Welcome and we will see you soon

Clint: Yep *Hangs up*


Y/N: Hey sis, what are you doing here?

Lila: Not much really. Missed you

Y/N: I missed you too but what is really going on? This isn't like you

Lila: I heard Cooper talking about me to his friends and called me mean names and I also like someone and kissed them. Cooper saw me and hasn't stopped teasing me about it

Y/N: Why not call then? Not that I don't want to see you. Who do you like? Boy? Girl? Please talk to me

Lila: Well, it was my best friend. I really like them but not sure if they like me back though.

Y/N: Who did you kiss?

Lila: I kissed my best friend, Emily. I'm not sure if she likes me back but after I kissed her, she kissed me back. I'm guessing I'm coming out to you. *Starts to tear up*

Y/N: *Hugs Lila* Hey, if she kissed you back, it means that she likes you as well. Does Laura or dad know yet?

Lila: No they don't. I don't know how to tell them. Maybe you can be there with me when I tell them please?

Y/N: Of course I will. Now what names were Cooper calling you?

Lila: They were names like Dike, loser, saying I was a loser, that no one can love me and that I'm just doing it for attention

Y/N: Ok well, you are none of those. You are sweet, kind, amazing. Don't listen to your brother

Lila: Should we talk to dad now? I'm guessing he knows that I'm here now

Y/N: Yes he does. Wanda called him while I talked with you

You text Clint and ask him to come to the cabin please. After 10 minutes, Clint arrives at the cabin and hugs both of you


Y/N: Ok before you get mad, I need you to FaceTime Laura please

Clint: Ok *FaceTime Laura*

Laura: Hey love, what's up?

Clint turns the phone so it shows both you and Lila

Laura: Ok, I'm upset but what happened?

Lila: I'm sorry but I needed to get away from Cooper. He started to call me names and telling me that I am just looking for attention and that no one loves me because of what I did.

Clint: What happened?

Lila: Well, I kissed my best friend, Emily. Cooper and his friends saw I'm guessing and started calling me names. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm gay.

Y/N: Laura, I talked with her and she will be coming home tonight but please don't be to mad

Laura: I'm not mad at her. I'm mad at Cooper. I know how hard it is to talk about feelings when you are unsure. Sweetheart, we will all be here for you. Your father and I will talk to Cooper about this. Also, Emily was worried about you

Lila: Ok. Thanks mom and I love you all

Clint: Love, I will bring her home in a little bit

Laura: Thank you. See you tonight. Bye *Hangs up*

Y/N: Dad, you good there?

Clint: Yah I'm good. Lila, I'm sorry that he was mean. You are none of those things that he called you. I'm surprised that he said any of those things because of his older sister over there.

Y/N: I'm surprised as well. I'm always here for you but call me please instead of running away

Lila: Yes, I promise and I'm sorry. I didn't know what else to do. So I came here to you and dad

Clint: Next time call but it's ok, Lila

The three of you hug, then Lila and Clint walk back to the compound and head back home. Your still sitting on the swing when you see Kara and Lena behind you

Lena: You good there Y/N?

Y/N: Yah. Just a heart to heart conversation with my sister and dad is all. I'm just happy that she trusts me enough to talk to her like that.

Kara: You're an amazing person and sister. Just be you. I know how hard it was to come out like that. We were there for Alex when she did and we will be there for you and her.

Y/N: Thanks. Hey, where's Wanda at?

Lena: Inside making drinks for everyone

Y/N: Ok. Let's go inside then

The three of you walk into the cabin and go sit in the living room. Kara went to the kitchen to help Wanda bring out the drinks to everyone. Once everyone is in the living room, Kara heard a knock on the door, opened it and in walked Nat and Alex. Everyone was hanging out in the living room.

It is now around 9:30 pm, you look over to Alex who had a sleeping Nat on their left shoulder with Kara asleep on the right. Lena sat next to you and you took a photo. Wanda was grabbing water from the kitchen and putting cups away as well. You sent the photo to Lena after getting her number and also sent it to Alex. You looked at Alex who was drifting off as well.

Lena: They look comfy there

Y/N: My heart is full. I'm so happy for Alex and mom. I'm happy about meeting you and Kara being happy and I'm marrying my best friend. *Tears in eyes*

Wanda (mind to you): I'm happy to finally call you my wife. You are amazing. Don't ever stop being yourself

Y/N: *smiles*

Lena: She tell you that you are amazing there, didn't she?

Y/N: How?

Lena: You smile everytime you hear her or think of her

Y/N: Yes she did

Wanda walks back in with blankets and puts one on Alex, Nat and Kara. She hands the other one to Lena who sleeps on the other couch. You make sure that the doors are locked and shut.

Y/N: Lena, if you need anything just ask. Hope you sleep well

Lena: Night. I should be good for now thanks

Wanda: Night

You and Wanda walk upstairs to your bedroom and crawl into bed

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