Author's Notes

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Hey everyone, thank you so much for reading my story. This was just something that I wrote to help with the depression and anxiety that I go through everyday. I have been writing this story for about a year now. I am loving that many people have seen it or even voted on some parts. I am trying to figure out how to end the story and possibly start another one. 

Just a few notes: Some of the parts in this story is my past and due to loving marvel so much, I decided to make a story to help. Thank you everyone for reading. I have hand written about 871 pages so far and I think once I hit 1,000 pages it will come to an end. I know that is a lot of chapters but like I said, I wasn't actully thinking about posting this until I let some of my friends read it to help me and it has helped me with the coping.

FYI: If any of you need someone to talk to or just to vent, my inbox is always up and I will listen or will help if I can. 

Hope everyone has an amazing night :) 

Y/N RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now