Chapter 40 - Dress Shopping

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You all get into the car and drive to the mall. Once at the mall, You, Nat & Lena all go to one shop to get your dress while Wanda, Alex & Kara goes to another to get Wanda's dress. Once you both get yours, you meet all back up and then went to a different dress shop to find the girls theirs. Then you realize that you need to tell Team Arrow & Team Flash the wedding colors and that Sarah & Felicity needs to get purple dresses.

Y/N: Hey Alex, do you have your portal watch that Brainaic made?

Alex: Always. Why?

Y/N: I forgot to tell Sarah & Team Arrow along with Felicity and Team Flash about the wedding date and the colors that Felicity and Sarah both need to wear. Could I borrow it and tell them?

Alex: Yes but take Kara with you please

Y/N: Yes

Wanda: Be careful please. I want you back in one piece

Y/N: I will promise love

Wanda, Alex, Nat & Lena continue to look for their purple dresses while you and Kara went to tell Team Arrow and Team Flash. Kara flew you over to Team Arrow and you told them October 15th at 5 pm while the boys wear black w/red and girls can wear teal/purple. 

After telling Team Arrow, Kara flies you back over to Team Flash and tell them October 15th at 5 pm while the boys wear black w/red and girls can wear teal/purple. After telling them, you click the watch and the two of you go back to the mall where you meet up with the girls.

You give Alex her watch back and mouth Thanks. Everyone has found their dress/suit and you guys go and get lunch then go to the park and sit on the hill and relax.

Y/N RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now