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J Kim is here.  Thank you for coming today instead of tomorrow.  I had a cancelation so it all worked out. I was hoping she will open up more than her past torture.  She needs to get her anger out of Angela and this recent shooting. Dr..Isles I  will try to stir the session to begin about Angela. You know it is up to her to speak about it. I know.  She is having alot of nightmares of that day. She is in here.  Would you like a beverage?Coffee with a little cream would be nice.
Good afternoon Jane how you doing? Sore and tired of everyone babying me. Okay  well Dr.Isles is concerned about your nightmares that you are not discussing well. Oh. Yeah that too. I have been having more nightmares.  I know Parker blames herself but she did what she had to do. If I had known my mother was so angry still I  could of taken better way to keep baby girl and my aunt safe alot sooner and hired security to keep her away from them. Jane so you blame your mother's actions on yourself?  Yes I  am the eldest and should of known more and been in tune more than always working so much and spending less time with her. Jane you feel guilty but shouldn't.
Excuse me  Kim here is your coffee. Maur please stay.  Okay if it's alright with Kim.  Jane it's okay with me.
Kim took a few sips on coffee and thanked me for it .

Jane Angela is responsible for her own actions which led to her ultimate death. You could of spent more time with Angela doesn't mean you would of seen her true feelings about your aunt nor Avery.  J you blame yourself ?Yes Maur. J her death was her own doing not yours. It's just like when you told me about Paddy. I guess  , but my mother raised me and was always there way too much. I knew she loved us all that is her children. I didn't know she had  hatred for my aunt, Avery and me being lesbians and the people we loved. I thought she accepted us all.  Oh sweetie.
I looked into Maur's eyes and saw pure love and concern for me and understood why she needed Kim to come today instead of my planned session tomorrow. My nightmares and me not saying anything to her was taking a toll on her on top of my injuries and recovering from them.

Babe I am sorry for not opening up to you about this. I promise not to do that again.  J I  know communicating is difficult at times for you even though communication is a huge part of your job but please don't shut me out again like that.  I try to accept that part of you and pretend nothing is wrong even when something is.
Let's stop there for today.  I am going to give you an assignment to do and I want you two to be honest and vulnerable with one another.  I don't need to know the outcome of it. I will see it when you interact or talk about things down the road.  I will see you next week Jane at my regular time.  Thank you for coming tonight.  Your welcome Jane. 

Kim explained to us the assignment and Maur walked her to the door.

Auntie Kiki is dinner about ready? I know J is starving? Yes. Do you want to eat in bed or at the table.  In bed. She still needs more therapy and healing before she should eat at the table.  I will help you bring the trays in. No it's okay.  You get settled and Gloria and I will bring it all in. I also need to to get your things ready for tomorrow.  Okay.

Maura left to go to their master bedroom upstairs to get her items of clothing abd accessories along with her makeup for tomorrow.  Gloria and and I  brought their food in.

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