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We woke up to hearing the ev pump being removed and the part of the driveway being redone.  Maur wanted the pumps remove since  you can use cords of a certain type to be plugged into your garage.  The electrician was arriving soon to put in the new outlet for it.

Babe did you tell Mrs. Wright to park on the fire right side  of the drive way when she comes? No, I  will text her.
Let me text her real quick than we can get you in you in the shower.  Hopefully today we will have better luck hiring a person to help out. Yesterday was a waste of both our times.  Mrs. Wright will be here later today but the physical therapist will be here. 

Jane was able to get herself undress a little more today but was able to sit and take her own shower while I made us breakfast.  I moved Jane's car out of the garage so the electrician could maneuver better.
The ev charging station was removed and the new portion of the driving way was being laid.

J you didn't want to wait for me to help you out? Nope.  Just need help with bottoms and socks.
I have a full day today.  Two therapies and the interviews. Yes but if you get tired during the interviews tell us. I promise.  Can you make it to the bed while I  take a quick  shower.  Yes, I  already paid the guys for the removal of the ev station and for them to install it at the shelter.  I figured they will need it eventually and in the meantime can make a profit on it from people who visit or need a charge.  Kiki is over there making sure they do it correctly in the parking lot.

J and I spoke to each other while I showered and got ready. 
J oatmeal with fruit and coffee for breakfast and your pain pills.  Yes doc.
We ate our breakfast. The door bell rang.  The electrician was done and showed me how to use the new charging cord.  I paid him and he left.  I parked Jane's BMW back inside and closed the garage. Our first interview was here for the day.
Heather was a good fit and we hired her to begin tomorrow.  I called the agency to cancel the rest of the interviews.
J your new physical therapist is here as well as Mrs.  Wright.

Hello Jane my name is Monica.  I hope my way of doing your physical therapy is more to your liking than your previous one. Nice to meet Monica and I hope so too. I have spoken with Dr. Isles yesterday and read his notes.  If you don't mind,  I would like to do my own evaluation. Okay.  I am going to have you try somethings, if it anytime you don't think you can do, please let me know.  I don't want you to hurt yourself. Where would you like me to set up my table? The bedroom through here will be fine. Dr. Martin is there any concerns? Actually she still having problems with her walking but is doing better.  She is having difficulty in bending to raise her underwear,  socks and pants to get on. Okay thank you.
I will leave you to alone. Thank you.

Monica took her time and the session went well. She gave me some strength bands to work on my leg which will also to be used to help me bend. I am to do these exercises four times a day for ten minutes only.
Maur walked her to the door.

Maur walked her to the door

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Mrs. Wright was happy with this therapist.  I was to relax awhile in bed.  Kim showed up an hour later while I was drinking my bottle of water to hydrate after physical therapy.
Mrs. Wright took her lunch hour while Kim and I did my counseling session.

Jane how did the assignment go? Quite well. Okay so tell me how your sleeping and anything else you want to discuss.

I told her I was sleeping better.  I still was having my nightmares but less frequent. My session went well. I was given another assignment to do.
Maur walked her outside.

Maur returns and mentioned to me that Kim sold her Honda and bought a Lexus suv instead and has a personalized license plate that states ♡Your self

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Maur returns and mentioned to me that Kim sold her Honda and bought a Lexus suv instead and has a personalized license plate that states ♡Your self.

J its so fitting for a therapist

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J its so fitting for a therapist. A person has to love themselves first to really do the work to get better.  True cool plate.
Okay Jane shower time. Do you need help getting up? No I will follow you just in case.
Mrs. Wright was directly behind me. I was able to take off my bra and Tshirt but needed help with my sweat pants and underwear and socks to removed.  I was able to get in the shower by myself as she turned the shower on.  She waited by the door way until I was done. She helped me up and I turned off the shower. I got out and dried myself as best as I could. She helped me get dress with my panties,  sweat pants and socks. I than got up on my own and walked to the bed.
She had me sit down and lay down.  She used pillows to alleviate my leg and arm.

Jane I want you to take a nap.  Your body did alot and needs to fully relax.  I will be here when you wake up as long as it's before  five thirty.  Okay.
I fell asleep pretty quickly.  I was physically tired.

FOREVER Family  ( Sequel to TROUBLE WATERS)Where stories live. Discover now