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We made it to my parents and they took me aside. Be honest with us Avery Nicole Jones Rizzoli.
Mom dad hold on let me get June.

I left to get June and tell her my parents have an idea, but I want her to be present so no hidden agenda but only four will know. She nods and we go to the family room to talk with my parents.

Frankie and Laura I would like to start off first. I knew your daughter had a huge crush on me back than. I never did anything because she was a minor and young. In Spain we found my wife, Dorothy in bed with her lover who happens to be a doctor also and was caught by her husband in his office. Apparently my wife was bragging about it. It got several people upset. I didn't know any of that until the night I went to the police department and court. My wife pressed charges against me pulling her off of her lover which caused her penis to break and cause her lover vagina to be cut. Avery was speaking with someone before she called the police. I had a restraining order against my wife and she paid a locksmith to make her a new key to my home with out my permission. I never knew any of this. She Apparently told the other doctor my home was hers. The other doctor didn't get any charges against her. I did initially by my wife and I pressed charges against her. I happened to know the judge professionally. She dropped the charges against me and I just had to pay for the ER rooms and the medical supplies which I did. Dorothy was held over for trial with no bail. We had to wait two days before the trial began. None of the medical staff charged for their services. We see.
I am going to guess you had sex with baby girl. Yes Frankie it was mutual consent. I would never force myself on her nor anyone. Later on she called Parker with her number blocked. She heard Phillip Atwood and Heather Kruger apparently they have been having a threesome for three months and Heather is married dad. I said to Parker that I hope it was worth it and hung up. I haven't told anyone but auntie Jane and Maura. I locked out Phillip immediately out of anything that had to do with June. I called auntie back. We locked him out or everything. His contract has a moral clause in it after the thing that occurred before. Okay. Anyway we both knew Parker would fly out to Spain which she did. We got a hold of the new realtor that only June and the buyers knew about. We met them the next day. I checked my work emails and saw a note from Jackie. I got a burner phone and called her . Parker apparently contacted them and Jenna. Jackie and Richard were worried when they could not locate me. We used cash and faux names to get a Hotel basic room. YOU DID WHAT YOUR UNCLE FROSTY AND I TAUGHT YOU. YES DAD. WE CAME BACK TODAY
AUNTIE AGREED TO ALLOW ME TO PUT HER NAME ON THE DEED UNTIL DIVORCE IS FINAL for a home. We haven't found one yet. SHE WAS SERVED TODAY .Baby girl you sure you want a divorce? I don't mean be cruel you did the same I am guessing a few days too but just with June. Yes mom and no your not being cruel just honest. We will support you in your decision. Baby girl you afraid Parker will go after your monies since no prenuptial was done. I don't think she will. She has just as much to lose. What she has that much money ? Dad she has much more. Oh my! June you have always looked out for Avery. We knew she had a crush on you. We would hear her at night masturbating to your photo. Mom dad really? YES. I DID WASH THE SHEETS . Yes you did and you would of have anyway. Our bedrooms are sound proof and the bathrooms that have bedrooms attached. Now you two get some sleep tonight. No dessert until morning. Yes dad. I understand Frankie and thank you two for listening to us both. June she always loved you and we are hoping the feeling is mutual. It is. I was only married to Dorothy for a month . I didn't tell anyone because you all as a family were going through so much.
My parents hugged us both and we took a shower and went to bed.

Frankie they were honest even if we don't approve of any of their behaviors. So as usual she confided in my sister only. Yes , but she they told us the truth. I know. Let's go to bed. It's late. We have to be up early for work and no dessert. I am too tired too Laura. .

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