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I woke up to use the restroom and felt an arm on me.  I knew it wasn't anyone familiar.  I saw it was Christina who was crying in her sleep.  I hurried to use the bathroom and returned and just held her and whispered in her ear.
Christina your safe now. You have a family who cares for you and we won't let know harm you again sweetie.  My words must of woke her up.
Parker I am a family member? Yes sweetie. You were crying in your sleep.  Are you okay  now? Yes. Your voice was calming and got me out of recalling him drugging me. You know who did it now? Yes. He is student of Dr. Rizzoli.  Do you mind if we call Avery's father or one of our other family members so you can tell them what you remember? Parker I  am scared he threatened to kill me if I told anyone. He took my gun away from me. I need to report it stolen. You are a concealed carrier? Yes. We will get you another weapon too. Many of us own guns and go frequent as well as golf . I never tried golfing.  We can ask Dr. Drew Rizzoli to teach you. She went to college on such on a scholarship.  I like that.  Go freshen up and I will ask drew to call her cousin instead.  Okay thank you.

You guys she recalls who drugged her but he threatened to kill her. He took her gun away too. She is a ccw too. I told her we would contact a family member.  Avery I am thinking Antonio.  She and I will go to the gun store to purchase her a new gun and other items and wait the waiting period.  I told her we go shooting alot and golf.  She doesn't know how to golf. I told her I ask Drew to teach her. Avery left to call Antonio.  Did you mention her you use to be a competitor in sharp shooting? No. I don't want to overwhelm her with all about me. I have yet to tell her I am a intersexual . Parker she knows that already.  She woke up and woody was woody.  Oh no. It's okay it didn't freighter her. She just didn't want to embarrass you and tell you.  She is such a  thoughtful gal. She is.

Parker who is this with you? My deceased brother.  I am so sorry.  It's okay I still miss him.
Christina hugs me and I reciprocate it.
Avery returns. Let's eat and Antonio will come by when he is done with a case.
We ate dinner and we were all relaxed.  Christina had lots of questions for us all which we honestly answered.  We had some for her too. She informed us she is an only child. Her parents are deceased and didn't pay their insurance policy and this is how she became homeless.
Joey came with Antonio which was odd. She said he picked her up from work because now Izzy is sick with the flu and her car died on her.

Joey and Antonio this is Christina Corinth who will be living here now. She is one of my students. Hello  Christina.  My cousin said you need to discuss something that happened to you.  I am a homicide detective but came as a favor to family.  What is it that you her to talk to me about? Last night I was at a party . I was drugged by John Witt he is a student of Dr. Rizzoli.  He took my gun away as well. I never got it back.  I called professor Jones I mean Parker for help.  She and June picked me up. I am glad you got a hold of someone you trust.  Did he force himself on you? Yes but nothing happened.   Kicked him in his dick. I see. I also scratched him on his face and arms.  Did you have a rape kit done? Yes. Good because you were drugged he may have.  I am sure he didn't.  What hospital did you go to? I didn't.  Someone called someone to make a house call.  She is referring to Maura.  Okay . I follow up with Dr.Isles.  Is your gun registered? Yes in California.  Okay I will get the information.  Do you own more than one gun? No. He threatened to kill me if I told anyone.  We won't let that happen. Your have Parker here who was a sharp shooter my cousin Avery who her father and uncle and aunt taught her and June just as bad as hell of shooter and all are CCW. I just finished my course for California so I am now for California too. If there is anything else, here is my cell number. 
Christina if you like,  on my day off I will take you shooting. I have Sunday and Mondays off. Okay Joey thank you . Josefina let's go. Your wife is probably worried about you.  Bro I called her to tell her we were coming here.  We need to stop at at store though.  The things I do for you Josefina.  Ass let's go. Haha. 
Joey and Antonio left. 

Parker you were a sharp shooter? Yes but stopped after my brother used one of my guns to kill himself.  I am sorry.  Thank you. I am tired and need to study for my exam tomorrow. We will go to the campus tomorrow.  I will go with you so in case John shows up. Thank you Dr. Rizzoli.  I mean Avery. We will get you a parking sticker for your car too and get you a meal plan when you are on campus too. You all are doing so much for me.  Kiddo your part of the Rizzoli family now. Get use to it. Good night.good night.  Parker may I study in your room it's for your class the test I am studying for. I didn't have schedule exam for tomorrow. The professor who is subbing did.  He says it's half our grade. You study but it's not 50 percent of your grade. I will address that with him.

FOREVER Family  ( Sequel to TROUBLE WATERS)Where stories live. Discover now