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What is taking so long? Kiki I know it's over four hours.  Some surgeries take longer.  Maura I can't lose her. Auntie don't think that way.
The doctor comes out. 
Mrs. FOX surgery went well.  She is in recovery . Once she is out, a few of you can see her. You can see her now.  Izzy. Jane, Tommy , baby girl and Frankie. Also Juanita. Joey, Juanita,  Carlo and whenever Antonio arrives can see her next. Have any of you heard from Antonio? Auntie my brother went fishing with Casey and Atwater in San Francisco.  Knowing then they have their phones low or left them in the truck.  Oh okay. You can see her when she is transfered.  Dr. FOX only two at a time with you only.  I understand. 
Kiki leaves with the doctor.

Izzy see she is okay. J I  I know. 
Izzy and I  leave the lounge so I  can fall apart away from everyone.

Parker let's go get something for everyone to eat.  We will bring subway for everyone and  cold beverage from the grocery store.

I knew my daughter needed time to get herself together.  I was just as worried as she was and the others.

J we need you to alleviate your leg. I am going to get some pillows and tell Mrs.  Wright we won't be back until late and not come in at all. Maur you might want to tell Heather not to make lunch either.  We will probably be late coming home for dinner too.  Okay.

Maur leaves to get me some pillows and to make phone calls.

Tommy please sit down.  Drew I know she is in recovery but things can still go wrong.  I know. Bro we must think positive.  Frankie we lost all of our other relatives of the elders we are close too. It's only auntie Kiki and Lisa  now.  I know.  I feel the same TOMMY.  FRANKIE LIKE YOU TOLD TOMMY WE NEED TO THINK POSITIVE.  Laura I know.  It's just hard.

Antonio. Atwater and Casey finally show up.  Joey returns with Izzy.

Aye cuz and you guys where have you been?  Carlo we were fishing and didn't have our cells with us until we got back to shore.  How is Auntie doing? Auntie Kiki is a mess but is with her now.  Okay.  Did you catch anything? Actually Kevin got several crabs. I thought you went fishing . We did that top. WE caught alot. We got back to the truck and I picked up the messages.  We dropped the stuff off at Casey's in the ice chest and took showers.  We didn't think coming here funky would be a good idea. Bro thank you for being considerate.  No problem. 
Parker and Avery came back with lots of beverages and sandwiches .

About time you got here.  Sorry auntie. We left our cells in Kevin's trucks so we wouldn't lose them in the ocean. I hope you caught alot.  Yes we caught fish and. Both nice.
Jane and Izzy go first, Frankie and Tommy, Juanita and Carlo, Antonio you will be last with baby girl.  I don't think she will be able to handle anyone after but if she can and they allow you all figure it out.  Auntie sit and eat.  We brought sandwiches and beverages back.  Thank you baby girl and Parker. Your welcome.  I am hungry.  I didn't eat breakfast.  She was still in pain when we woke up. How is she doing auntie? Juanita a lot better not in as much pain.  The Morphin is helping. She is starving.  I was going to go to Quiznos to get her a sandwich and soup the doctor said what she could have.  Look through here.  The sandwiches are labeled. 
Kiki ate after she picked a turkey sandwich and a water for auntie.

Jane and Izzy.  Izzy you can stop crying.  Sweetie I  am okay.  I know it's the anniversary for us three. You remember? Yes. I cannot forget this day.  They were watching over me and telling me I had this.
Jane started to cry. Ah come here sweetie.  We just hugged one another.  The doctor  came in.
Hello I thought your wife maybe still here.  She went to get me something to eat.  I will go get nrt her auntie.

Jane left.  Auntie the doctor wants to speak with you. Bring her food.
Jane left with Kiki.
We walked on while the doctor was talking with auntie Gloria.

Lisa yes your surgery is a success with the tests that came back. If you continue like this, you could be released by Monday  or Tuesday. Doctor what she we expect? Alot of soreness . I will provide you a list what she can and cannot have for awhile.  I brought her 6 inch turkey from subway and water my nieces brought back. Good. You rest up . I say another 30 minutes of visitors than I want you to sleep.  May I stay with her over night? Yes as long as you don't put pressure on that side and no sex. Doctor.  Sorry but you amazed what occurs in these beds.  No problem . We will behave right Lisa? Yeah.
We will leave so the others can see you.

Frankie and Tommy and so forth came to visit me while I ate my sandwich.i thanked baby girl.  I was starving and Avery brought us more turkey sandwiches and water for us.  Eventually everyone left but my wife.

FOREVER Family  ( Sequel to TROUBLE WATERS)Where stories live. Discover now