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Jane was asleep and Mrs. Wright spoke to me about Jane progress and her concerns but over all Jane has improved.  I already knew but listened. I had the same look on my face when she mentioned to me that she is thinking about returning to be a cop again.

Dr. Isles are you okay? Yes.  I just want her to be safe. Being a civilian and she gets hurt. I totally understand since it was my son,  Andrew she was protecting.
I won't tell her no not to join the force again. I told her to think about it seriously  before deciding. I agree being a Leo ( law enforcement officer) is a higher risk and more dangerous now.  So many people hate them even if they are the good ones. She has been sleeping restless thinking about it top. I will support her in whatever she chooses.  I became friends with her while she was in the academy on a visit to Boston while I was looking for work as a doctor. I recall the first time I saw her in her Tshirt and shorts and running shoes on the track at the academy. I had volunteered to do their physicals bit forgot all about it until recently when she recalled meeting me. She saw me as a privileged stuck up white girl and I  was back than. I am glad I finally matured.  I cannot forget my past behaviors because it is what made who I  am today. Dr. Isles when Edward met me I was basically the same but in the military as a nurse.  Your a veteran? Yes. I don't discuss it much because I saw way too much senseless killing but it's what it is. Well I better get going before Edward wonders what happened to me. I will see you tomorrow.  Mrs. Wright I will still need you to park right where you are at or in the street until the portion of the driveway is replaced.  I am hoping next week to return to work.  I wi than need you and Heather to park on the right side or the far left at the bottom so I can get my car out.  Okay-
Bye. Bye.

I went inside and locked the door and turned the alarm on.

Jane was still asleep and I called my sister, Katelyn to update her on Jane's progress.

Sis what's wrong and don't say nothing? Katelyn I am worried if she chooses to be a Leo again I may lose her.  Maura you must not think that way. Katelyn this is the first time she was shot and hurt not being a cop. The last times were horrific and she still has nightmares from them and still has to take off when they are bad but not as often as before. Maura she has to decide what is best for her. I know.  I will support her in her decision because I love her but rather not have to worry her not coming home one day because she died in the line of duty. Have you told her this?No.  You just did Maur. Katelyn I have to go Jane is awake and heard part or all of our conversation.  Love you sis.  Love you too.

I got up from my office and put my cell on the charger.

Maur I haven't made up my mind yet. I knew you know I  have been tossing and turning.  Yes. Can we go to bed and talk? Yes
Let me get my cell.

I unplug it from the charger and we walk to the bedroom. I plug my cell in again.  I still need to keep my cell on even if I am home.

Babe please tell me how you really feel. I am scare Jane.  Being a Leo now is more dangerous than when you were in Boston. I will support you in whatever you decide. I am just scared one day I will get a call saying you got hurt or didn't make it.  Yes , it's more dangerous and I left because I had enough of the long hours and all the trauma I went through.  See J this is what I am talking about.  You will start having more panic attacks and be more stressed than you are as a lawyer. Babe I haven't made up my decision yet. I haven't even  brought it up to my family yet nor mention it to Yilena.   If you do decide , you want to work for the sheriff's office? Yes. So we can work together again.  I miss that part of the job. Come here and get ready for bed naked.  J your not to have sex you know that.  I know, I  just miss cuddling with you when your naked even if I  have my clothes on and am moist. I need to feel you inside me Maur it's been way too long in bed. J if I  do this, you can't reciprocate.  Oh doc.  No don't doc me.  I miss making you cum top. Well it's settled doc.  I will even help you as best as I can starring with your blouse.

J ripped open my blouse and unfastened my bra from the front.  She place her mouth on my nipple and started licking my Arreola.   I eventually had her to lay on her back and went down on her.  My tongue was in her tasting her juices and making her cum all over my face.  She was doing her best not too move too much so she wouldn't hurt herself.  I placed a strap on and helped her lay on her side the side not in as much pain and entered her anus nut hard not quick just enough to make us both cum.I  finally pulled out and removed the harness and laid my head on her abs after we made out carefully.

Maur thank you. Sweetie your welcome.  I was missing this as much as you.  Let me help you up though so I  can strip the bedding and put clean ones on and toss the dirty ones in the washer.  I won't start it til tomorrow.  I will than shower with you.  Okay.  I am going to have you sit on the chair in the shower while I am doing this and have the water running on you to keep you warm.

I helped Jane to the  bathroom and got her to sit while I changed the bedding.  I entered the shower and she grabbed me. She placed two fingers in my vagina. 

J you promised. Maur are you saying you don't like what I am doing because your body is reacting as you are enjoying it. Ah fuck Jane.  Your not being fair.  No, I said not in bed. I didn't say not in the shower.  I am sitting down too. Jane fuck FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK . I like doing this to you.  I am using my other hand and it's not stressing nor putting pressure on my body.  Babe cum for daddy.  I am close. 
J entered me with three fingers and in a few I came hard.  Maur was screaming daddy, my name , cussing. and trembling bad.

I like it when your this way.  You have no control over your body. Ah fuck FUCK FUCK AH SHIT.  I rode out her orgasms with her.  I finally pulled out and she started to bleed. 
Oh great my menses started.  Babe it's okay come here everything will eventually go down the drain.  J don't J me. Yes daddy. Now sit on my other thigh. 

I did what J asked of me blood dripping down me on her and down the drain. We started kissing.  I eventually left huge hickeys on her breasts and one underneath her chin and collar bone as she left them on my breasts and a dark one on my neck.
Babe now you can get up and we can take a proper shower.  Please help me stand up.  J I  don't want you to hurt yourself.  I won't. 
We tool a nice warm shower.  I had Jane leaning against the tile while I finished up and we got out.  I hurried and I inserted a tampon while she started to dry herself.  We  both wee dried.  I just put my pajama bottoms only because I knew Jane still wanted to see me half naked.  We got into bed and she didn't want to get dressed but did with me begging her.  I didn't want to have to change the bedding again.  We went practically to sleep after I elevated her leg and arm.

FOREVER Family  ( Sequel to TROUBLE WATERS)Where stories live. Discover now