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June left for work and told is to continue but not all day...
Avery and I continued having sex and taking breaks to catch our breath. We finally got out of bed at 2 because we both were hungry and I  needed to get a new number for my cell.
We took a shower and had sex in the shower too.  We finally left at 3:38 to eat and get a new chip for my cell. Avery and I went and had Filipino food for lunch and ran into Kaley and her husband. Avery was already mad after listening to the  22 messages and seeing the texts .
She went straight up to Kaley and told her enough and to leave me the fuck alone. Kaley tried to deny it.  I blocked Kaley from trying to stop Parker to show her the video. I told him that Avery would forward them to her because I  didn't want him or her to have my new cell number. He was pissed and Kaley called us every name in the book . He apologized to my wife and shook her hand even though it was covid time. He left his wife at the restaurant and we left when he did.  Avery and I had used hand sanitizer and washed our masks and stripped in the garage.  We took them inside to get washed. We took a shower and got into lounge wear. I forwarded everything to Avery and she deleted my number and forwarded them to her husband. We decided to ask Antonio to serve her the restraining the which he did.  I decided not to send a gift and the restraining order. Avery contacted both our publicists and publishing company we use for my book.

that no more future dates together nor she is to obtain my new cell or I would sue them

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that no more future dates together nor she is to obtain my new cell or I would sue them.  My number isn't a listed number.  I contacted all the people who knew us mutually from my number blocked and spoke to them.  Several said they didn't want the number and we saw each other we would communicate that way . We barely finished and was making dinner when June got home . June was pissed as well as laughed on what occurred at the restaurant after she removed her mask and took a shower.  She sprayed her clothes and tossed them in the laundry room to be washed.
We all sat down and ate. June was tired so she went to bed early. I was still in pain. I was able to call human resources and told them to get someone else for tomorrow or to cancel the classes.  I felt bad doing this.
I never had problems like this from dental work.  I was glad Tommy informed us my dentist used inferior products and reported him to the dental association board and kept my crown as proof . I wasn't one to sue someone but there is always a chance you will. Avery is working on the case pro bono.  I would donate all my winnings if we win to Sacramento homeless project and set up for dental care.

Avery updates me on the case when June goes to bed.  I didn't realize she works that fast. She chuckled and said she has several good private investigators that work for them.   With the evidence of my crown and Tommy's information they were able to locate the maker of inferior ingredients.  This just wasn't local but internationally which means this company in Dubai would pay dearly not to get their name dragged in the media. She was working a deal with them to stop selling this ingredient immediately and pay each patient money and their medical bills. Also my dentist was unaware of inferior ingredients. Since he used so much of it and his patients were returning he was making more money . He knew something was wrong and didn't report it.
I would find my settlement by Friday.  I was grateful for Tommy and Avery. I sent Tommy tickets to the masters so he could see the professionals play golf with my friend Drew.  Avery didn't want any payment.  June and I planned a weekend get away to Napa to go to all the wineries and fine dining afterwards.

FOREVER Family  ( Sequel to TROUBLE WATERS)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя