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The following morning I took Gloria into urgent care. Her back was hurting her more and it was bruised.
We were sent to the hospital.  The doctor was awaiting for our arrival.  Apparently it was far more serious than a muscle pain. Gloria's kidneys were a acting up. She was admitted to do further testing .

Sweetie its okay to be scared.  To be honest so am I.  We just have to wait to see what the tests results reveal.  I called the family while you went to do your tests. They should be here shortly.  Kiki why we don't know if it's bad.  Gloria urgent care sent us here immediately.  It's bad and more tests. 
Baby girl arrives first than the others follow. Maura and Jane were the last ones to arrive.  Jane is walking better and is only needing a cane now.

Auntie we all are here. What is wrung with Lisa? I am right here. Sorry auntie. The doctors haven't told us the final results but it looks like one kidney isn't working well. AUNTIE SURGERY? Possibly Tommy.  The Tylenol that I have been taking all these years messed one kidney up . They don't want me to take Tylenol anymore.  Maur can this happen? Yes J it can. This is why I say don't take too many or I have you only take one if you need it. 

The doctor comes in.
I see you have alot of people who care about you Lisa.  Yes these are my nieces and nephews and other family members. There not all here yet. I see. Well I have your tesrs results back and would like to speak with you in private.  Please just tell me. It will save time than my wife or I to repeat it. Hello Dr. Isles. Hello.  Okay I will show you with this xray and ultrasound.  This is your kidney.  Do you see the difference? Not really.  Yes I do.  I knew you would Dr. Isles.  Lisa we are going to have to remove the kidney to prevent it from infecting your other one.  I have scheduled surgery for you right away , since you haven't eaten anything since dinner last night. Is there any questions or concerns? How long will the surgery be? Will one kidney be strong enough to work alone.  The surgery will take about four hours.  Yes, the kidney can function with just one.  I would strongly discourage taking Tylenol.  Limit your water intake for awhile.  I  will leave you alone so you can talk with your family.  I do need you to sign these forms.  There is always a risk for this or any surgery.  I understand. Thank you. 

Lisa reads the documents and signs them.

Lisa the nurse and orderly will come and get you soon. Thank you doctor.

Everyone may you give us some time alone.  Yes Lisa. We will be here when you get out. 
Lisa nods.

My aunts look scared. I have seen auntie Kiki scared but never Gloria even when we we lived in Italy.  Joey hugs me. She knows I am worried about my ex wife.  I already lost my daughter who I helped Gloria raise as my own a few years back.  I don't want to lose her too.   Jane lost her daughter too that same night by a drunk driver.  Neither of us speak about them anymore. We both have photos but they are put away because it's so painful.  We even stopped going to the cemetery in Italy as well but think of them often.  Today is their anniversary of their death.  I look at Jane and we both just look at one another not saying anything.

FOREVER Family  ( Sequel to TROUBLE WATERS)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon