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I took a shower and called Parker. She still sounded weak. She was happy for me. I told her about Avery and June going to assist me in girl scouts. We said our goodbyes so she could get some rest.

Thank you for saving me dinner Alice. Of course sweetie. This is delicious. I am glad you like it Do you want more? No thank that was more then enough. I will do the dishes. No you go rest. Beth and I have this. Will you two tell me more about Parker what she was like as a teenager. Oh she was a handful. My niece was rebellious and very independent. She still is Beth if you think about it.
They told us alot about my ex wife. Some I didn't know . It was getting late so we went to bed except for Avery who left to spend the night at the hospital .

The following morning I woke up and Avery still wasn't home. I got ready for work. Alice was already up making breakfast for us all with Beth.
I am drinking my coffee when Christina walks in half asleep but rest for school.
Morning sleepy head. Morning stayed up late studying and finishing a paper that is due today. Is there anymore coffee left? Okay anyone else want some? Christina I will get it. Thank you. How would you like it? Beth with a little bit of milk. Here are your pancakes and sausage while my sister gets your coffee. Thank you smells good .
See you later June. Yes and you have a good day at school. I will try. Bye.
June left and I finished my breakfast.

Thank you Beth and Alice for making me breakfast and coffee. I am not use to this. It's okay dear. Christina what would your future bedroom look like?

She describes it to us.
Why do you ask Alice? We are going to get rid of the double beds that Avery and Parker laughed at us like we mentioned. I would like to decorate with some of what you mentioned. Alice as long as I have roof and out of the cold and heat I am good. Let me help you with the cleanup. Alice and I have it. Enjoy school. Thank you.
I got my back pack and left.
I arrived at work and Celeste was pounding away what I left her
and Brian. I than remember I addressed the instructions to John and Celeste. John was one of the employees I Spain.

Brian came in with a bottle of water.
Brian I apologize for writing the instructions to John. It's okay. I figured he was your last employee in Spain. Yes he was. The furniture will be here at ten so Celeste and I are going to finish setting up the printers in the break room with the computers. OK thanks. I will be upstairs waiting on Janice and Bob for their save the date photo for their wedding announcement. Just have them come upstairs.
I am upstairs when my cell rings.
Babe I just got home with Parker. I am sorry for not calling you earlier. I am going to go to sleep. I am beat. Okay get some sleep. thanks love you. Tell Parker she will be getting a special delivery soon. We ordered her some flowers with Christina after Alice told her she likes flowers. Okay I will.
Auntie Jane and Maura are here now. See you later okay.
Morning auntie and Maura. Morning baby girl. My mom told me she was here instead of there so we came here to check on you and her. Thanks you two. I am going to go to bed after I take a shower. Alice and Beth are getting her situated. She is in the bathroom right now taking a shower . Go on up.
The door bell rang and two floral arrangements arrived.

 The door bell rang and two floral arrangements arrived

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FOREVER Family  ( Sequel to TROUBLE WATERS)Where stories live. Discover now