Batfamily as mages

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Refer to the prompt above for the inspiration for this chapter I was so excited to write this the second I finished reading it.


Jason: A freaking Pyromancer! This boy will be smoking, literally and figuratively, whenever a fight breaks out. The passion and anger in his blood will boil over and cause him to have magma-like armor on his skin. On very good days he can even shoot out fire from his mouth like a dragon, but it takes a bit of energy out of him. Whenever Jason's tired his fire is a smokey ember that's barely going and needs a little fuel in the form of rest and relaxation to get it going again. 

Dick: A storm mage! He is flexible like lighting, creating amazing patterns in the sky as he does with his acrobatics. When he finishes a particularly good routine or he's just really happy he can let out a burst of electricity that can cause everyone's hairs to stand on end. One pro of being a storm mage is never being afraid of a thunderstorm, but you never want to stand too close to him or you can get struck by lighting. The poor boy when he's exhausted though, you can see how limp he is, and sometimes the negative charge he has attracts magnets to him. 

Cass: A spirit mage! She would have the calmest vibes and you can feel sunshine and smiles around her when she's in a good mood. But inversely, when she's mad, sad, or any other negative emotion, you can feel the air being layered with a barrier to protect and repel. A weird trait she has is staring into the air like she's talking to someone (which she is) and it freaks Jason out. She can sometimes stumble over words, but she'll quickly fix her mistake and sound more confident in her words than before. (The spirits love helping her talk because they love Cass and her adorableness.)

Damian: Winter is coming! He's a winter mage for all his appearances of being a cold, detached person, he has a warm heart. His pets get the best out of him and everyone else has to watch him closely to tell his mood. An artistic frost pattern over the windows means Damian is pleased about something, probably one of his art pieces. A harsh and thick layer of snow outside Damian's door tells the manor to steer clear of Damian until the snow clears. You don't know how many people will search for Damian to cuddle with during the summer, and he acts all pouty and mad about it (he secretly loves it).

Alfred: A dazzling earth mage! He is the rock that supports the family and the home they can return to when they need it. He's steadfast and reliable in temperament but can be stubborn when it comes to arguing about the best for his charges. Bruce once tried to force past Alfred during a very bad case of stupidity and found that he was the one who bounced back not Alfred. Alfred has a great green thumb and it's clear in the way he takes care of the whole garden by himself and the wonderful vegetables he grows. 

Stephanie: An air mage! She is so free-spirited that she will start floating a bit off the floor when excited or energized. If she gets going too far though she can cause a mini tornado to blow through the place and make a mess. It's better than the sharp cold winds that you can feel around her when she's sad or the potential hurricanes whenever she's furious. Often the quickest to change her mood among the batfam, you never want to be around her for too long or your hair can become a nest by the end of it. 

Tim: A spatial mage! Tim is such a coffee addict and that can cause him to lose control of himself and his things. Portals will open randomly whenever he's flustered or panicking and things will fall out at random. When he's happy, he might accidentally fall through a portal to his room or the cave depending on who he was with or where he was. It can get frustrating when he's on a date and he just pops out of nowhere for a minute then comes back to a shocked date.

Barbara: A hydro mage! Her happiness can often fid her area surrounded in bubbles that will delight everyone else too. Children love Babs and she has so much fun with them as well. It's scarier, then, when she becomes angry because she will wear a calm mask, but pipes in the manor will burst. It's worse if your outside and she becomes depressed because then the clouds will gather and it will pour down water. You are guaranteed to become drenched in seconds and they have to do whatever it takes to calm Babs down.

Bruce: Like father, like son! He'd also be a winter mage but whereas Damian expresses himself on a more artistic or smaller scale, Bruce will affect his surrounding area entirely. When he's focused the air is chill and still, when he's mad you feel as if you are breathing in frost and ice and when he's happy... Well, the air feels normal and you can breathe easily. Oh, you never want to stand near bruce when he's sleep-deprived because he doesn't have very good control over his emotions which heightens his powers and causes icicles to form at random.

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