Lighting user x Tim (YJ) pt2

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Ester woke up again and wondered when he would get to feel again. He felt emotions of course, but it was like an ocean of numbness separated him from truly feeling them. The only time he felt anything strongly was when he was near his fully developed crush. He would never tell him for two reasons, one his parents would find out and send him away and the worst reason is he could be rejected. Ester got dressed and ready for school like normal, but he felt so much heavier. The larger dose he was taking was severely affecting his ability to move and think, let alone feel. Before, he could feel the low level current underneath his skin but now he couldn't even feel a spark. 

"Young master, there are guests in the living room," a servant called to him from outside his door.

Ester listlessly made his way to the living room since his parents obviously wanted him there. What he didn't expect was for Black Canary and Captain Atom to be facing off against his parents in the room. His mother pointedly told him with her eyes to sit down beside her, but Ester was too confused. 

"Mr. and Mrs. Bersa, we have the authority to investigate this case and you obstructing us can lead you to being arrested," Black Canary spoke sternly.

"He is our son and we don't know who made up lies about us but he is not being abused."

Ester was even more confused and couldn't move from his spot in the doorway. 

"Under charges of medical abuse of a minor and obstructing the protection services from investigating the living standard of said minor, you can be confined to jail for at least 25 years."

Captain Atom said this sentence in a no-nonsense tone and let Ester's parents clearly know that they were not playing. Ester watched as his parents were arrested after they found evidence of possible lethal doses of sedatives being given to him. Ester was also taken to Star Labs to determine if he was a meta human and if they had also infringed on the rights of a meta human to add to the charges.

"We'll have to wait for the current dose of sedative in his system clears before running any tests or he could have a heart attack or stroke from forcing it," a doctor said.

Black Canary asked Ester if there was any family or friends he wanted to inform of the situation to watch over him and keep him company. Ester's eyes brightened up, "Tim Drake."

Black Canary was taken a back by how quickly he spoke that name and how excited he sounded. Ester had barely spoken and just seemed to go with the flow with everything that happened. Diana was happy though, because Tim had already texted her a million times asking how Ester was doing. Tim and Damian showed up pretty quickly, even if Damian himself hadn't been asked to come he finally declared Ester as a friend. Tim rushed to Ester's side and checked his pulse and his whole body to see if he was alright. 

"We got the news that your parents were arrested and I-we didn't know if you were alright. Are you okay? No one hurt you and you don't feel scared?"

Ester felt warmth from underneath the numbness and smiled at Tim's mother-henning. Ester grabbed Tim's hand, sat back in his seat and relaxed for the first time in days.

"I'm fine now that your here."

Tim flushed and hid his face while Damian looked disgusted by the flirting that occurred in front of him. His good friend and the idiot Drake being together was awful in his mind. Damian might have to choose a better friend in the future because anyone that can like Drake had lost part of their sanity.

"I don't deign to interfere with your pursuits, but is Drake really a good choice Bersa?"

"Call me Ester, not Bersa."

Ester's voice was the sharpest they'd ever heard when he corrected Damian, but they understood where he was coming from after his parent's abuse. 

Damian scoffed, "I still think Drake is an idiot and you can do much better."

Ester smiled and listened to Tim and Damian bicker again and fell asleep. A day later and a few tests and Ester was confirmed to be a meta human and the Justice League took him away. Ester was still struggling to express himself and control himself, so he was put under Black Lightings guidance. Black Lighting taught him how to control his abilities, how to understand his feelings and about the superhero world if Ester was interested.

Tim was suffering after being unable to see Ester for months and he was getting itchy to see his face. He had been talking to him on the phone every week and Tim could hear the difference in Ester's voice as he recovered. Tim was with the Young Justice League discussing a new formation for them to work on when a few of the Leaguers showed up. Batman walked forward and took Tim's place to address the team.

"Team, today you will have a new protégé join you all as a member of the team. He has recently joined the business and so be mindful to teach him anything he doesn't know so no mistakes are made. Black Lighting is bringing him now and he's been made aware that he won't be going on missions yet until we clear him for it."

The team were excited and wondering what the new guy's power would be like, but only Damian and Bruce knew Tim's excitement was different.

"Any fooling around or attempts to break the rules just because a new member has joined will earn you severe punishment," Batman firmly reminded them so the team didn't get any ideas.

The zeta beam announced the entrance of Black lighting and a guest entering the cave.

"Zeta beam add the information for Blitz as a member of the team and restrict access to the appropriate level," Black Lighting said.

Tim held his huge grin back as he saw Ester walk in beside Black Lighting in a suit similar to his but in a red, black, and purple color scheme. He had grown out his hair and it flopped down onto his head like he was too lazy to bother with it. Ester knew the secret of the Batfam, so when he saw Tim he gave him a wide grin. They had already discussed if they would reveal their relationship and Ester decided to make it a game. Ester's personality was easy going, but he was mischievous and playful. Tim remembered he was mad at Ester so he chose to ignore Ester when he was being introduced.

"Uh, Red do you have something against Blitz?" Beast Boy asked.

Tim scoffed, "He's a lazy good for nothing."

People were now confused, but Damian could never hold back his tongue.

"You're only saying that because he missed your call last week," Damian said.

Tim glared at Damian and the team were even more confused because how did the two of them know Blitz so well?

"I had to miss the call or I would have spoiled the surprise," Ester told Tim to appease his angry boyfriend.

After a bit more arguing and a hug, Tim was back to his usual self and the team figured out what was happening, but were still confused how it began. The single members groaned that another couple was joining the group and were going to force feed them so much PDA that they would die from not having a partner.

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