Sick and Grumpy

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Lorenzo POV
Gia woke up at 2am and has refused to go to sleep since. Her throat is hurting her. Also throughout the night, she has complained that her head hurt and when we changed her into pajamas she has a red bumpy rash on her back. She is miserable.

"Can you go sit with Daddy, so I can shower?" I asked Gia who was sitting with me on the couch.

"Stay here please." She said wrapping her arms around my arm.

I tried to loosen her grip and finally Antonio had to come take her. As soon as I left, I could hear crying but I had to shower before we took her to the doctor. She was still crying when I came back out. I scooped her up in my arms "you need to calm down, you're not going to make your throat feel better if you keep crying."

I sat in the rocking chair with her and she fell asleep finally. "How are we going to get her changed to go?" Antonio asked. Gia was still on her pajamas from last night.

"Let's just slip shoes on her feet. She's a kid no one will care if she is in pajamas."

I carried her in the car still sleeping and everything was going smoothly until she woke up. "Where are we going?"

"To the doctors to get medicine."

"Nooooooo!" She screamed out so loudly that I almost crashed the car.

"Yes, you need medicine to help your throat." I said gripping the steering wheel trying not to yell at her when she is this sick.

She continued until we got parked and I opened her door. "Daddy please go back home. I was just kidding my throat doesn't hurt anymore."

"Good try little one, do you want to walk in or do you want me to carry you." I asked trying to remember what the kid psychologist said about going her choices so she feels like she is control of something.

"Sit in the car." She said with a lot of sass for a sick kid.

"Walk or be carried?" I asked again trying to remain calm.

She looked at me for a while and then launched her body into my arms. I carried her inside and then sat her in a chair in the waiting room while Antonio and I checked her in.

I turned to check on her to see she wasn't in the chair I left her in. I scanned the office and breathed deeply when I saw her in the corner watching a huge fish tank they had. We walked over and sat beside her. "Please ask next time. I though you got up and left."

A nurse came out and called her name. I grabbed Gia's hand and the took her and measured and weighed her.

"She is 45 inches and weighs 43 pounds." The nurse said. I knew she was small but it's always shocking to hear how small.

She did the rest of her vitals and took and left us in the room waiting for the doctor.

"I want to see the fish." Gia said randomly.

"When we leave." Antonio said playing on his phone.

The doctor came in and we told him Gia's symptoms. He checked her throat, nose, ears, checked the rash on her back and listened to her lungs.

"I'm 100 percent sure that she has strep throat but just be sure I'm not missing something I would like to do a strep test and take it to the lab. I cringed knowing how that was going to go.

The doctor got the swab ready and asked Gia to open her mouth. Much to our surprise she did and did fine until he scraped the back. I was ready and held her body until he was done. Once he took the swab out Gia had a mad look on her face.

"You did such a nice job honey here is a sticker." The doctor said and handed her one of a unicorn.

"That is so stupid! You burned my throat and you give me a stupid sticker." She took the sticker and flung it to the other side of the room. The doctor chuckled to himself and left the room.

"Gia that wasn't very nice." Antonio half heartedly scolded.

"Why would you let him do that to me?" She asked looking offended.

"Want to look at the fish?" I asked knowing that she will get over it.

That made  her content until it was time to leave. I scooped her up and got her into the car. On the way home, she was becoming more and more agitated.

"Hey, it's okay we are almost home." I said reaching back and rubbing her leg.

She completely lost it and stared to cry hard. Antonio looked at me as to ask if we should pull over I shook my head no and knew it would be best if we just got home.

When we pulled in, I got her out and walked into the house. She was completely melting down and refused to eat or drink anything. It was a rough couple hours until Salvatore showed up.

"Come on baby, it's Tylenol to help bring your fever back down." Antonio was trying to get her to drink the liquid Tylenol.

"I said no!" She screamed and pushed the spoon out of his hands.

"Hey! What is going on here." Salvatore said while walking into the living room. "No thank you little miss. If your daddy is telling you to take something you listen."

"We have tried but we are exhausted." Antonio said close to tears.

"Go back to bed and take a nap. I can handle my favorite little monster."

I knew we probably shouldn't but I wasn't going to argue.

Salvatore POV
I stared down the very sick and upset nine year old. I got the medicine on the spoon. "Come on baby girl, take your medicine."

"No!" She said again and tried to push the spoon out of my hand.

"Fine then, come get over my lap and you can get a spanking first." I said and set the spoon down gently.

"You can't do that I'm sick." She said wide eyed.

"If you're well enough to fight and be a monster than you are well enough for a spanking." I said raising an eyebrow. I obviously would never spank her with her being this sick but sometimes the warnings are enough.

"I'm sorry. I'll take the medicine now." She said and took the spoon and drank it.

"Good girl. Now you need to drink something. Do you want to have some water and a popsicle while you take a bath?" I asked knowing the trick. When I was little my parents always let me eat and drink in the bathtub and it always made it more fun and better.

"I can eat in the bathtub?" She asked excited. I nodded my head and grabbed her and the stuff and got the bath ready. Once she was done she ate a popsicle and a half and drank two cups of water.

After eating a drinking a little, she was in a better mood but was exhausted. I changed her into new clothes and laid in her bed with her for a while until she finally fell asleep. I tucked her in and kissed her head before walking out of her room.

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