~Author's Note 03FEB2022~

327 20 1

All right folks, here we go, everything comes out for this one (mostly cause 350,000450,000 words in three months was a bit more exhausting than previously planned when I thought this was a short one shot in November. *Slightly Hysterical laughter ensues*

I wrote this part out a while ago, and now, after editing the book harshly, I'll admit that it's changed a lot along the way. At a certain point I realized I didn't want people to read a book that required an entire box of Kleenex to read, except in the best possible of ways.

So, this book is going to be cozy and sappy and there's a gods be damned happy ending because in the current state of the world, who the fuck doesn't need that right now.

I know I do.

Thank you to everyone who has come with me as I struggled to get the words from brain to laptop and back out to be read again.

Your words and enthusiasm reading the story have meant more than I could ever possibly express, and I thank each and every person who opens the story from the bottom of my heart.

 Every vote. Every comment. Everything you guys do.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

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For the non-binding nonlegal legalities:

This is a work of fan fiction, written because the author has an abiding love for the music and people who make up the South Korean singing group of BTS.

The characters, settings, places, and languages used in this work are entirely the creation of this author and in no way reflect reality what so ever.

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