Part 32

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"Well, Babygirl, you'll never get a better chance than that," said Yoongi and you smiled to think of how in sync you were this morning.

"Same book, same page luv," you said and looked back to Minho.

"Minhossi, I wanted to talk to you today about what happened on Tuesday," you began, and Minho immediately went from smiling and joking, to stern and serious.

And apologetic, which you wanted to negate as fast as possible. So, before he could start on whatever apology he was working on this time, you cut him off.

"Minhossi, I think the best thing for your sudden onset deafness today, is that you need to go see an Ear Nose and Throat Doctor," you said. You thought you might have stumbled over one of the words, because Minho looked confused for a moment, but Yoongi nodded.

"(Y/N)ie has informed me that she doesn't think she will feel completely safe on our tour without you coming with us Minhossi," he said and though you normally would object to using yourself to hold over Minho's head, you also knew he wouldn't budge on this otherwise. You and Yoongi had talked about it a bit yesterday when you'd told him your idea and he'd agreed to this part at least.

Minho was now both unhappy and confused. He turned and looked at you and then looked back at Yoongi in confusion.

"Min Yoonginim, you know I can not handle the airplanes necessary for a tour," he said, and Yoongi nodded. Then patted your shoulder with the arm on the back of your chair.

"I do know that Minhossi. That's why (Y/N)ie and I want you to go see an ear doctor."

You took up the explanation. "I read a book once where a side character had a horrible fear of flying. She got sick, always felt like the plane was going to do something because she felt like she was floating or falling the entire time, being near airplanes made her dizzy," you said and watched Minho's face.

He nodded a bit.

"Yes, I have experienced all of that," he murmured and then looked back at you.

"The character in that book was diagnosed with an inner ear imbalance. She had an extreme case of vertigo," you explained, and Minho looked confused. Maybe you'd butchered the word in Korean? You looked to Yoongi, but he nodded. You gave in and did something you hadn't for ages and typed the word in English into your translator app on your phone and showed it to Minho, who finally made an 'o' and nodded.

"I have heard of this, but I don't think I have this (Y/N)ie," he said and you struggled to remember the long ago book.

"Minhossi, can you do heights at all? Tall buildings," and he nodded yes, and you struggled to think of anything else, but Yoongi surprised you.

"It's not the height that's the problem, it's the changing of the height. What about glass elevators, Minhossi," he asked and there Minho shook his head violently.

"No. I've never been able to tolerate those."

You and Yoongi looked at each other and smiled. You looked back to Minho.

"Then please, as your apology to us, we ask that you go visit the ear doctor to have yourself checked for this issue," you said and Minho kind of hemmed and hawed, but when you reached out for his hand he looked at you, and you played the last card you had.

"Minjaessi is wonderful Minho, and very helpful to me. Tadakasan is an asset to our security team in general. I do not trust them with myself or my Yoongiah the way I would trust you to help us both," you said, and he sighed.

He patted your hand and nodded once. Then looked up to Yoongi's face and nodded again.

"As you wish Min Yoonginim. I will do as (Y/N)ie directs," and Minho bowed his head a little and you tried not to do a happy dance. You really did want Minho to come with. Just his competence levels alone reduced your anxiety about Yoongi's safety, and most likely, he did the same for Yoongi about taking care of you as well.

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