Part 25

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Yoongi had struggled for a moment with what to do with you when you got to the kitchen and almost immediately laid your head onto the table. He got the crackers and a can of sprite from the cupboard, and you dutifully ate half of one saltine before you laid your head back down.

Finally, he wandered down the hall and a minute later, you heard a whoomph as a rush of air went past you and Yoongi drew you up from the chair, only to tuck you into your poof. He jogged back up the hallway and you saw him bringing a blanket from his room out and you happily snuggled into your poof, with the cozy blanket on top for extra warmth.

He handed you the crackers and the soda, and you didn't have the heart to tell him Hoba's sprite needed to be flat and warm, in order to work.

"You eat five crackers, and we'll see about pancakes," he told you and then went back into the kitchen proper to start prepping while you watched.

You wanted to mutiny against the cracker rule, but also you weren't entirely certain you could back up your own statement of wanting pancakes, if you couldn't manage five crackers.

You ate the other half of the first cracker, put the soda back on the countertop after taking a sip, and fell into a kind of doze while you listened to normal kitchen noises. Every once in a while, Yoongi would stop and come over and check on you.

Small touches, long soft kisses, simple words. He was always doing more to make you feel better. You felt the fuzzy fabric of the poof under you and knew it was your brothers attempt to make you feel better. Every time you sat in it, you immediately thought of JK's excitement when he'd opened the box. Or how careful and cautious Jimin and Tae had been to explain how it might help you. Hoseok's face when he realized you couldn't crawl out of it the first time or Namjoon and Seokjin both reaching out to help you up.

They were all good memories. Important ones.

The blanket from Yoongi's room was the one that was the warmest, which you shouldn't have needed in the middle of high summer, but today you were grateful he'd had in his closet.

You ate another cracker as you watched him crack eggs and begin to make batter and cook. You wondered about getting one of these poofs for the apartment in Chicago and had a moment to wonder where in the hell you could stick such a thing.

Hoseok wandered down the hallway and was startled to see Yoongi in the kitchen but smiled when he turned around after Yoongi pointed you out.

You were stuck in the poof, so you raised your arms into the air for a hug, and Hoseok nudged you over some and just crawled onto your poof with you. And then hugged you until you squeaked.

"You are in so much trouble," he whispered before he placed a kiss on top of your head.

You pouted up at him.

"Hoba, I didn't even do anything this time!"

He raised an eyebrow and shook his head.

"(L/N) (Y/N)..." He started and Yoongi called out helpfully from the kitchen.

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