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The next day morning at 5.. Jin woke up. He got ready and went to Jungkook's room. Who was sleeping peacefully in the guest room. Even all the people opposed the idea of Jungkook sleeping in the guest room, Jin was the one who stopped from opposing.

He was ok with Jungkook sleeping where ever he wants. Later that night, nothing was awkward, They are all a family now. Complete one. Jin prepared lunch for everyone with Love and served. The dinner table was not silent at all. Filled with happiness.

Everyone moved on from what happened and Jin sighed in relief because everyone are happy. They talked and talked and talked and had a wine party later after the dinner. Everyone appreciated Jin because he is a professional chef and everyone knows that.

Jungkook didn't know how a family time dinner looks like and he experienced that before he becomes old. Jimin and Namjoon FaceTime-ed Jin to know if they are fine and they are happy that they all are staying at one place. Jungkook passed the meeting because he is still busy from the works left off in the afternoon.

They all talked and Jomin told them the baby kicked him when he keeps talking about Jin. Jin was totally happy to hear that. He even weeped for some time, can't imagine how it would be if the little champ is out in the world.

They added Taehyung, too and they enjoyed the time together. The day ended happily keeping the mess aside. That's when a new problem came. The Night! The night where Jin and Jungkook spent time together. Jin debated on whether  to ask Jungkook about sleeping in the same room as him but decided to just ask him.

He was in the guest room, doing his work. Jin knocked on the door. "Come in." He heard and went in. He found Jungkook doing his work without lifting his head, "Yes?" He said and glanced at Jin. Jin hesitantly said, "Where would you be comfortable to sleep, Jungkook?" He asked and he thought for a moment.

"I am comfortable here. Yeah! I am fine here." He said with a smile. Jin felt a tug at heart when he saw the smile. He nodded his head and went back outside. He sighed and went to his parents to tell them about it. He told them and they weren't happy. Mr. Jeon burst out in anger but Jin stopped him, "You promised, appa." With that, he collapsed back in the chair.

Nevertheless, Jin ended up in his own bed and Jungkook in the guest room when they are supposed to spend the night together making the sweetest memory of life!

He slightly tapped on Jungkook calling out his name. Jungkook squirmed in his place and began to respond. "Mm? What time is it?" He spoke in, half asleep. Jin just answered, "it's 5:30 in the morning, Jungkook." He said and moved back so, he can move. "We have to get to the house before you go back to the office. Please get up and get ready."

He said and went to the door. He heard a big hum from Jungkook. He opened it wide and went outside. He walked past his parents' rooms but didn't bother to wake them up. He made a coffee, silently and put it on the counter. He made another one and put come cookies in a plate and sat there near the counter.

Minutes later, Jungkook came downstairs in some sweats and went straight towards Jin. "Shall we go?" He asked and Jin just shook his head, "Your coffee." He said as he showed his cup and Jungkook made a face. "I don't drink coffee this early. We can leave once you are done. I will go get my things ready, where are yours?"

He asked and Jin sighed. He just pointed towards the couch where there were some boxes. He got them ready in the car and sat down on the couch. Jin after completing his coffee he went to the basin and washed his cup. He took the cup for Jungkook and threw the coffee away.

He threw the cup in the dustbin there and went straight towards Jungkook. He stood there before Jungkook and Jungkook noticed him. They made their way towards the car and towards their house. "Eomma, appa, aunty and uncle woke up?" He asked as he was driving.

Jin turned away and rested his head on the back of the seat, closing his eyes. He just said, "No, I didn't want to wake them up. They must be tired, so I let them be." Jungkook just hummed looking at the door.

Meanwhile, at Jin's.. At 7 in the morning, when Mrs. Kim woke up and went straight to the kitchen on habit and started to make some food for the people in the house. Minutes later, mrs. Jeon joined her and they cooked food together.

When they cleaned the mess up, mrs. Jeon noticed a cup in the dustbin (dry waste). She took the cup out and said, "Jiju, what's this cup doing in the dustbin, I don't see any damage on it? Who threw it?" And when mrs. Kim saw the cup, she gasped. She immediately took it into her hands as tears welled up in her eyes, she hugged it closer to her heart and said,

"That's my Jinnie's favourite cup! Why is it in the dustbin! Oh my god!"

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