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Jin entered his room to take a good bath to clear his mind from all the mess. He went through the clothes and as he wa checking what to wear, his eyes caught the view of a beautiful bright ring which is his wedding ring. He sighed.

What am I going to do with this? I have it but of no use? I own it but do I really own it? Am I really a husband to him or just a  guest who is going to stay for a while and leave? Jin sighed and walked to the drawer. He took the ring out  and took one last, close look at it and put it inside the cabinet. All this was being noticed by Someone sitting extremely silently in the room.

Jin's body stiffened when he felt someone's breath on his nape. He didn't turn around to check but his body answered the question, "Who is it?"

"I begged for you to text back and is it so hard, Seokjin?" Jin's felt goosebumps as he shivered. Jungkook's voice wasn't rough and demanding but soft and pleading. Maybe that is why Jin got goosebumps, not expecting the orders voice to be soft and submitting. "I wa-was busy checking on Jimin." Jin turned around but since there was no place left, he leaned back holding the cabinet. Jungkook leaned in more gazing deeper into Jin's round orbs.

Jin was barely breathing at this point. "Taking care of Jimin? Jimin is fine, I can see that. But, you haven't answered my second question. Is it hard to taxt back?" Jungkook leaned so close that his face is near Jin's neck.

Jin immediately put his hands on Jungkook to push him away but the rock before him is strong enough to oppose him. "Get away, Jungkook. And yes, it's not hard. I would've texted you in the evening. Is that a problem?"

Jungkook sighed. He moved back and caught one of Jin's hands and walked him to the couches. "Let's get this done, Seokjin." While Jin followed him like a lost kid.

"See, do you really wanna get divorce, Seokjin?" Jungkook looked intented and serious. Jin looked away and he quickly took his phone from the pocket and opened those screenshots. Jungkook smiled sarcastically while reading those fake text screenshots. "Do you really think I typed those messages now, seokjin? And I would still come to pursue you from not taking any divorce? Are you a kid, Seokjin?"

Seokjin looked away and tried to understand what is going on. "See, if I typed those messages I wouldn't come here in the first place to even talk to you. You clearly read those messages.. I want a divorce but here I am trying to stop you from giving me one. So we are same?"

Jin looked down.

"I really want to give us a chance, Seokjin. I am really sorry for my behavior. Whatever I told you, I mean them. I do! Can you give me one chance, please?"

Jin tried getting up to think about it but Jungkook immediately held his hand. Jin looked back and Jungkook was staring at him." Jin said, "Leave my hand, I need to think about it."

"I will tell you a secret if you give me the answer." Jungkook's hold got loose and Jin went to nearest window. Should I give him a chance? Can I be able to give him a chance after what happened?"

Jin turned around to answer but Jungkook was already behind him. He immediately hugged Jin snaking his arms around Jin's waist. He pulled him much closer and snuggled into Jin's shoulder. Jin breathed out. He didn't hug Jungkook back, he just waited for Jungkook to say something.

"Please, Seokjin. I really want to work US out.  I want Us for you, for you, for us.." Jin looked away from where he was staring, neutral and asked, "Not for you?" Jungkook, after a pause said, "For me, Seokjin." While gulping really hard. Jin noticed how his shirt got warm and his heart melted.

Jin wiggled out of Jungkook's hold and Jungkook immediately wiped his tears off.  Jin went straight to the drawer and turned around showing Junglook the ring. He smiled and put his ring back to his ring finger and Jungkook immediately ran towards Jin to hug him. Jungkook hugged him really tight as he continued to tear up in his hold.

This time, Jin hugged Jungkook back while drawing drawing circles round his back. Jin feeling curious asked, "What was the secret you wanted to tell me?" Jungkook moved back and started smiling wiping his tears.

"I don't have a profile picture in my Facebook, Seokjin."

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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